Boosting LGBTQ+ Experiences For Customers & Staff


I started working as Community Manager at Women in CX in 2021. My first article was about Pride and LGBTQ+ community. I talked about how companies support Pride superficially and why it's not the best. Now, I'm the Head of Operations at WiCX. I believe corporate allyship is crucial for customer and employee experience. It's more important than ever.

A GLAAD study found that 70% of LGBTQ+ people were treated unfairly and discriminated against in 2022. This is an increase of 24% from 2020. The study also found that BIPOC LGBTQ+ members experienced even higher rates of discrimination - 61% reported micro or macro aggression in the past two years.

To support LGBTQ+ community, businesses should do more than just marketing. They must take action too. Wearing branded tees and selling rainbow products during Pride is not sufficient. The words and actions of businesses must be aligned.

Where are the LGBTQ+ leaders in CX? Only 3% of leadership roles are held by them, states the CXPA.

Progress Made In A Positive Direction

NatWest gives equal parental leave to all parents, no matter how their child was conceived. This makes it helpful for everyone. Aldi teaches their UK managers how to become allies to minority groups. Some companies, including Starbucks India and Adidas, show trans models and share stories about them. Nike and Budweiser work with trans influencers to advertise their products.

The importance of LGBTQ+ inclusion is increasing. Gen Z customers and employees are twice as likely to identify as queer. Diversity and inclusion are crucial factors for them when job hunting or selecting brands.

About This Issue

LGBTQ+ laws in the USA are getting worse. There are 417 of them since this year started, which is more than last year. The laws focus on education and healthcare. This puts younger LGBTQ+ people at risk. At the same time, big brands are facing criticism. People are upset that they are using transgender or gender-fluid people in ads. Some brands are also making things that don't follow traditional gender rules.

Businesses should promote inclusivity and respect for LGBTQ+ individuals. This will improve customer and employee experiences. More exploration is needed to understand why this is important and how to make positive change.

Why Is Pride Important And What Does It Mean?

Pride is a party for LGBTQ+ people. It remembers Stonewall and the beginning of Gay Rights. It says thanks to queer folks for their good work.

It's hard to get the LGBTQ+ community because society thinks everyone's straight and fits into the gender they were born with. This causes LGBTQ+ people to feel left out and unsure. Pride is good because it gives people an easy way to see that bias and start accepting differences.

To truly be an ally, you must recognize that everyone has their own perspective. We don't all see the world in the same way. This is where real allyship begins.

True allyship starts by recognizing that everyone has their own perspective and understanding that our views of the world differ. It requires us to hear what others have to say and make room for diverse experiences.

Authenticity Matters: The Significance

To be a good LGBTQ+ ally in business, it's more than just a Pride campaign. You have to always show support, which means telling stories about LGBTQ+ people in ads and making your business a safe space for everyone who works there and comes to buy things.

To prevent blunders, it's important to know your LGBTQ+ clients and staff. To give them excellent service, you need to know their needs and wants, and you can do this by researching them. Frequently, LGBTQ+ individuals are left out of the research.

Some companies try to be diverse, but often fail. Asking if someone is trans on a job application may turn them off. This also makes the company seem exclusive. Another example is making a t-shirt for only men or women, when it is meant for non-binary people too.

To get better, surveys and hiring need fair language that includes everyone and doesn't exclude anyone. There should be many gender choices, like "Prefer not to answer" or the option to say yourself. It's important because not all LGBTQ+ people want to talk about their gender or who they like.

To make LGBTQ+ individuals feel more comfortable, companies can take multiple measures. These steps may improve experiences for both customers and employees who identify as LGBTQ+.

Make sure your policies protect LGBTQ+ employees. Use non-discrimination policies and offer equal benefits. Also, make accommodations for transgender employees and customers.

Give diversity and inclusion training to every employee. They should learn about LGBTQ+ topics and how to avoid discrimination and harassment. The aim is to encourage comprehension and approval.

Create or promote ERGs for LGBTQ+ staff to offer support, connections, and advice. This will help make the working environment more welcoming for everybody.

Make sure to have LGBTQ+ employees in management and executive positions, as well as in research, for proper representation.

Include everyone in your marketing: Show that you appreciate and accept all customers, including those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Be involved in the community by supporting the LGBTQ+ group. Support for this can be shown outside work. Examples include sponsoring Pride events, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, or supporting LGBTQ+ charities.

Listen and respond. Keep talking to LGBTQ+ people to understand and help them. Use what they say to get better at being inclusive.

Include LGBTQ+ people who belong to minority groups and have disabilities. Make sure your inclusion covers all their identities.

Companies can make efforts to create a better environment. This helps everyone, including customers and employees. Inclusivity and acceptance are important. Companies should strive for them.

To be an ally, it's important to make sure that LGBTQ+ people are safe in your spaces. This means having diversity in your company's leadership and representation. Being an ally is about actively supporting and understanding these individuals, and it's crucial to be consistent in your actions.

To be an ally, you must actively support others. You must also seek to understand their experiences. Consistency is key.

Becoming a better ally is hard. To do it, we have to acknowledge our biases and keep trying to help the LGBTQ+ community. We need to be there for them all the time.

Just remember, you have good intentions. Now, you need to act on them. Make changes and support inclusivity always, not just during Pride month.

If your company is true to its values, the LGBTQ+ community will notice and be grateful. We're loyal and will support brands that truly care about us.

We can make a world that is inclusive and understanding. People can be who they are as workers and customers.

Let's make better experiences for both customers and employees. It's important for the future of business. We should start doing it now.

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