Richard Tice of Reform UK to host evening event in Newport

Reform UK

On Monday, Richard Tice, who is currently the head of Reform UK (previously known as the Brexit Party), will journey across the Solent to attend an occasion in Newport.

Reform UK - Figure 1
Photo On The Wight

In March 2021, the individual with a wealth of millions became the head of Reform UK and has been spearheading a movement throughout the nation. Their party's representatives have garnered support and won elections in multiple areas.

You can purchase tickets for 'An Evening with Richard Tice' happening on 27th May at The Riverside Centre in Newport at 6pm.

The political party Reform UK has a couple of potential candidates who are vying for parliamentary positions in the Isle of Wight. Specifically, Sarah Morris is running for IW East while Ian Pickering is competing for IW West.

You can encounter both of them at the upcoming event on Monday evening.

To reserve your ticket, give Sarah Morris a call at 07435 122 180. The fee for each ticket is £5.

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