Atkinson Feels 'duped' By Electric Cars

Electric vehicle

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Actor Rowan Atkinson loves cars, but he feels like he's been tricked by electric cars. Atkinson was one of the first people to buy an electric car.

In The Guardian, a 68-year-old said he got an electric hybrid 18 years before and an all-electric car nine years later.

He said that electric cars are amazing machines. They are fast and quiet. They used to be very inexpensive to operate. However, some people think they lack personality.

I feel like I've been lied to. Electric cars may not be as good for the environment as we thought.

Atkinson likes cars and studied electrical and electronic engineering at university. Later, he got a master's degree in control systems.

The government suggested stopping the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030. A star answered and said it's a problem because they only looked at what comes out of the exhaust pipe. Atkinson meant they didn't think about the whole life of a car.

Electric cars don't give off exhaust emissions. That's good for air quality in cities. But if you look closer at making the car, it's not the same story.

In preparation for Cop26, Volvo exposed troubling data. Making an electric car produces 70% more greenhouse gas emissions than manufacturing a petrol one. The reason for this is because the creation of lithium ion batteries uses up more resources.

Better batteries called 'solid-state' are coming soon, but don't expect to buy them yet. They will change things a lot.

"We're not making hydrogen in the greenest way yet, but it's still a promising alternative fuel," Atkinson said.

The car industry has a sales culture similar to fast fashion. It has existed for a long time. This is the biggest problem in society's connection with cars. Someone wrote about this.

My eco-friendly friends sometimes ask me if they should get an electric car since I'm into cars. I usually recommend it if they use an old diesel and mainly drive in the city. Otherwise, it's better to hold off for now. Electric cars will eventually help the environment, but that time hasn't come yet.

An environmentalist told me to get an old car and use it less.

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