Atkinson Feels 'duped' By Electric Cars

Electric vehicle

Actor Rowan Atkinson is disappointed with electric vehicles, even though he was one of the first to buy them. He loves cars.

He wrote in The Guardian that he got his electric hybrid 18 years ago and all-electric car nine years later.

He said that electric vehicles are cool. Also, they are quiet, fast and before, they were cheap to use.

I'm starting to feel cheated about electric cars. Once I checked the facts, it turned out they're not as environmentally friendly as we're told.

Atkinson really likes cars. He studied electrical and electronic engineering at university. Then, he got a master's degree in control systems.

The celebrity shared thoughts on the government's idea to stop selling new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Atkinson thinks it's not a good plan because the focus is only on the car's exhaust.

Electric cars don't have emissions which is good for air quality. However, if you consider the manufacturing process, it's a different story.

He stated that before the Cop26 climate summit, Volvo disclosed some concerning numbers. The production of an electric car emits 70% more greenhouse gases compared to making a petrol car due to the lithium-ion batteries using up more resources.

There are new batteries called 'solid-state' that could change things up. However, it might take a few years before they're available to purchase.

Atkinson stated that hydrogen is becoming a popular fuel option. However, we are taking a long time to produce it in an eco-friendly way.

He wrote that the car industry has been following a sales culture called 'fast fashion' for many years. This culture is a big problem in society's relationship with cars.

People who care about the environment often ask me if they should buy an electric car since I'm into cars. If they mostly drive around the city and have an outdated diesel car, then I think they should think about switching. But, if not, then they should wait for now. Electric cars will be better for the environment in the future, but it's not there yet.

I spoke to an environmentalist. They suggested buying an old car. Use it as little as possible if you really need a car.

Blog post from June 4th, 2023 at 11:36 AM. Rewritten in simpler English: Here's a blog post from June 4th, 2023 at 11:36 AM.

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