What Is Net Operating Income?

Net lease

Net operating income holds significance in the realm of finance, although its true implications are frequently misconstrued. A company's income statement comprises various forms of income or profits, each fulfilling distinct roles in financial evaluations. With this in mind, it's essential to delve into the particulars of net operating income, commonly referred to as NOI.

Net lease - Figure 1
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Source of the image: Getty Images.

Net Operating Income Explained

Understanding Net Operating Income

Simply put, net operating income refers to the direct profit a company earns from its main activities. To enhance this measure, it is essential to efficiently manage your business operations, driving higher revenues while maintaining close control over your daily costs.

To calculate NOI, begin by deducting the direct operating costs required to generate revenue from the gross profits (which is the total revenue minus the cost of generating that revenue).

I'm discussing the expenses related to the overall management and administration of a company, the costs associated with promoting and selling products or services, and the budgets allocated for conducting research and development activities. It also includes considering the operational expenses specific to a particular industry, like the costs linked to shipping items for online retailers or the fuel expenses incurred by transportation companies.

However, the examination ceases prior to delving into financial administration elements such as taxes, interest costs, depreciation, and amortization. Unless you are operating a financial institution, those factors do not constitute an integral component of your primary operations.

Net income generated from operations differs from earnings prior to interest and taxes (EBIT). This parameter considers additional adjustments lower on the financial statement. EBIT factors in expenses related to depreciation and amortization, which are not taken into account in NOI.

NOI bears an even greater resemblance to EBITDA, which stands for earnings prior to interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. However, the discrepancy lies in the fact that EBITDA is a widely employed measure comprising well-defined elements, whereas net operating income is subject to modifications as various companies may incorporate distinct items within their fundamental operations.

Therefore, by considering the net operating income, you can obtain a clearer understanding of the company's day-to-day operations without factoring in the extended costs associated with infrastructure, capital assets, lease payments, and other property expenditures related to the business.

An impressive net operating income usually indicates a well-managed operation where costs are effectively handled, while a minimal one may imply that increasing expenses are negatively impacting profits. Businesses currently implementing an ambitious plan to reduce costs should expect to observe improved NOI outcomes as the new strategy begins to yield results.

Net lease - Figure 2
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The Importance Of Net Operating Income

The Importance Of Net Operating Income

Net operating income is not merely a mere entry on a financial document. It is a crucial indicator of a company's profitability and effectiveness in carrying out its operations, directly reflecting the true essence of the business's performance.

The fiscal management strategy of the company is crucial, no doubt, but NOI is not the appropriate instrument for that objective. Yardsticks and measuring cups have distinct functions, yet both are beneficial tools for measurement. Similarly, net operating income emphasizes a distinct aspect of the financial puzzle compared to other metrics like EBIT and free cash flows.

Net operating income provides insights into a company's ability to efficiently manage its operational expenses and assesses the viability of its business model, excluding any financial disturbances caused by taxes, interest charges, and long-term capital expenditure reductions.

Picture credit: Getty Images.

Maximize Profit With Net Operating Income

Utilizing Net Operating Income

Is the company you are considering capable of effectively managing its operating expenses? How effective is its ability to generate revenue? Net operating income is a useful tool in finding answers to these inquiries.

It is possible to monitor the fluctuations in the company's NOI over a period, seeking out firms that maintain or enhance their operational effectiveness. Additionally, one could analyze and juxtapose the net operating income outcomes among companies in comparable circumstances. This comparison showcases the competence of various rivals in tackling similar market conditions and obstacles.

Although NOI is undeniably useful for these practical reasons, it is not as frequently employed as EBIT, net income, and cash-flow statistics. The majority of companies do not include NOI in their reports, hence you will typically have to compute it yourself. On the positive side, by conducting this unique analysis, you might obtain valuable insights that could potentially give you an advantage over other investors in the community.

Analyzing UPS With The NOI Perspective

Analyzing UPS With The NOI Perspective

Today, we will examine the prominent shipping companies, FedEx and UPS, utilizing their net operating income. Allow me to present UPS's operating expenditures for the entire fiscal years of 2022 and 2021:

Unveiling FedEx's NOI Impact

Shining A Bright Light On FedEx

As you may have noticed, the prices of fuel went through the roof in 2022, and at the same time, other expenses related to operations increased due to worldwide inflation. UPS was able to grow their earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), but their net operating income (NOI) profits decreased by 1.2%. In simple terms, it seems like UPS was not successful in running a more profitable shipping business in 2022. Instead, the company managed to enhance their operating profits by reducing investments in capital and employing various accounting tactics.

Well, the year 2022 presented numerous hardships, including soaring global inflation and various economic obstacles. So, how did FedEx navigate through such circumstances?

FedEx experienced a growth in its overall earnings as compared to the previous year. Impressively, they surpassed their previous earnings before the deduction of interest and taxes. Primarily, the company offset the burden of increased fuel costs and airport charges by ensuring their staff received relatively lower salary hikes compared to UPS employees.

In this instance, the NOI tool assisted us in showcasing the contrasting approaches taken by UPS and FedEx to tackle the obstacles faced in 2022. Despite operating in a challenging economy with escalating costs caused by inflation, FedEx managed to enhance its net operating income. However, their strategy of implementing minimal salary hikes may lead to decreased NOI over time, potentially resulting in a decline in employee motivation.

Therefore, it is advisable for shareholders of FedEx to closely monitor the continuous growth of their net operating income (NOI) over time. However, the current situation looks promising as FedEx surpassed UPS in terms of net operating income in the year 2022.

Anders Bylund does not have any holdings in the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool holds positions in and suggests investing in FedEx. The Motley Fool also recommends considering United Parcel Service. The Motley Fool abides by a policy of transparency.

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