Spain’s first ever women-only ITV Station


A particular Spanish ITV channel has gained attention for its all-female team, a major achievement in an industry that has typically been dominated by men.

There has been notable advancement in promoting gender equality in the vehicle technical inspection (ITV) industry of Spain. Presently, women make up approximately 21% of the total number of employees working at ITV stations. This is a substantial improvement from previous years and has been confirmed by AECA-ITV.

According to reports, a small percentage of women are working as inspectors and engineers, accounting for only 6% and 16%, respectively. However, women are found to constitute a significant number of the management staff at 31% and an impressive 71% in administrative roles. Although progress has been made towards equality, there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality.

Sector Being Transformed

In this changing world, the Montijo station located in Badajoz is a remarkable example of progress. The team of eight people working there are all women, which highlights a significant shift in the way things used to be. Sonia Santo leads the team in this station and she has introduced an innovative strategy, which was never thought of a decade ago, that prioritizes women-led initiatives.

Santo states that they wished to support the idea of a station managed entirely by women. This would give them an opportunity to prove that they are capable of performing the tasks just as efficiently as men, without facing any discrimination.

This program doesn't just highlight what women can do in this field, but it also strives to create a fair and balanced setting for everyone.

Co-workers Rosa Rodriguez, Africa Buabent, and Amanda Sosa share the same view, emphasizing the beneficial influence of this project.

The article highlights a change in mindset, as individuals are no longer taken aback by the presence of women in traditionally male-dominated jobs. Buabent explains that this shift promotes gender diversity in industries that have typically been viewed as predominantly male.

Cristina Lozano, who oversees technical responsibilities in Extremadura, points out that clients nowadays do not have any preferences regarding the gender of the person assisting them. This signifies a positive advancement in achieving equality for female representation in all areas of the ITV industry.

The Montijo ITV station is an exceptional case that shows how people are promoting gender equality in their industry. This is a big improvement, but it's just the start of a bigger push for both men and women to be treated the same.

This effort shows that things are shifting and hopefully will encourage other changes within the field.

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