Abbas Attar

Who is Abbas Attar?

Abbas Attar is an Iranian photographer who is known for his iconic images which depict political turmoil and conflict. Born in Tehran in 1944, Abbas studied in Switzerland before beginning his career in photography in 1970. He worked for several news agencies before becoming a successful freelance photographer, and his work has been featured in numerous publications around the world.

Abbas has documented events like the Iranian Revolution, the Lebanese Civil War, and the Islamic Revolution in Afghanistan. He is known for his ability to capture human emotion and the struggle of oppressed peoples in his photographs. In addition to his work as a photographer, Abbas has also authored several books, including "Iran Diary 1971-2002" and "In Whose Name?".

Abbas Attar's Impact on Photography

Abbas Attar has had a significant impact on the field of photography, and his work has been praised for its ability to capture the human experience in times of conflict and crisis. He is known for his use of black and white photography, which emphasizes the starkness and severity of the situations he documents.

His photographs have been exhibited in galleries around the world, and he has been the recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to the field of photography. Abbas believed that photographers have a responsibility to document the world as it is, and his work serves as a powerful example of this idea. Despite his passing in 2018, his legacy lives on through his photographs, which continue to inspire and challenge viewers with their depictions of human struggle and resilience.

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