UK Scones History Celebrated In Google Doodle

United Kingdom

Google celebrated scones on June 10 with a special Doodle. It was created to pay tribute to the popular afternoon tea snack in the UK. In 1657, London started serving afternoon tea, which is why this day was chosen. Everywhere in the UK, you can find scones at bakeries. They're typically served with jam and clotted cream.

United Kingdom - Figure 1

Scones came from Scotland in the 1500s. They became popular in royal tearooms. The 7th Duchess of Bedford, Anna Russell, had snacks with her afternoon tea. This made scones more popular.

In Victorian times, railway news made Londoners go to the south coast on weekends. There, they found tea, scones, and pubs. The tea-scone combo got called "cream tea".

Tea lovers have debated how to serve scones for a long time. Do you put the jam or cream first? In Devon, they put cream first to separate it from the jam. In Cornwall, they spread jam first to let the flavor soak in before adding cream.

United Kingdom - Figure 2

Different regions in England pronounce scone differently. In the Midlands and Northern regions, it rhymes with "gone." In the South of England, it rhymes with "tone."

People all over the world love scones as a snack with tea. They are also very popular in the UK. This is because of their history and different types of scones which make them very memorable.

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