Pupils get rare alert over dangers of sextortion

Sextortion alert

The picture was obtained from Getty Images.

Rewritten: Written by Malu Cursino and Angus Crawford, this blog section has been altered using alternative vocabulary.

Sextortion alert - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Educators have been advised to caution students about the perilousness of sextortion, which is a type of coercion where people are threatened with the exposure of intimate images.

On Monday, the NCA notified teachers with an alarming message about the rising number of cases worldwide. This notification was deemed unprecedented.

Ros Dowey's son, Murray, passed away tragically after he fell victim to a group of criminals who masqueraded as a young woman on the internet. They duped Murray into sending them inappropriate pictures, which ultimately led to his suicide.

Mrs Dowey expressed to the BBC that her family has been completely ruined.

She characterized her son, who is 16 years old, as a delightful individual. According to her, he possesses the "most exceptional sense of humor in our household."

Sextortion is a common situation where the victim receives a naked photograph and is later requested to send one in response. Following this, the blackmailer threatens to expose the image if the victim does not comply with their principles.

According to the NCA, individuals of all genders and age ranges are being victimized. However, a significant portion of the cases comprise male victims who are aged between 14 and 18.

The NCA has sent an important message to education professionals to guide them in supporting young people who might be targeted. This warning is considered unprecedented and has been sent to a large number of professionals.

According to Murray's mother, he was known for having the funniest sense of humor among their family members, as per the BBC report.

During a conversation with BBC, Mrs. Dowey mentioned that her son had retired to his quarters after a regular family day in their residence situated in Dunblane, Scotland, back in December of the previous year.

They had their meal, viewed the television, and conversed in their habitual manner. Murray proceeded to his room feeling content and typical. However, the following morning, he had perished.

According to James Babbage, who holds the position of Director General for Threats at the NCA, the offense of sextortion is an unscrupulous and heartless act.

Mr Babbage made a plea on Monday to educators to assist the NCA in spreading knowledge about this form of wrongdoing, "that is regrettably surging worldwide".

The NCA aims to remove the negative association with sextortion through its guidance. It also aims to equip teachers with the knowledge to have conversations with parents and caregivers about how they can approach the topic with their child.

Mrs. Dowey, Murray's mother, perceived the NCA's choice to recognize this type of blackmail as a genuine danger to young individuals as a constructive development.

According to the NCA, male victims were involved in 91% of cases that were handled by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) in the year 2023.

From 2022 to 2023, the US National Center for Missing and Exploited Children recorded a significant increase in the number of reported cases that rose from 10,731 to 26,718 across the globe.

According to the NCA's findings, organised crime syndicates situated outside of the UK, mainly in certain West African nations, but with some also found in South East Asia, are responsible for conducting sextortion schemes.

The picture used in this blog was provided by Ros Dowey.

Murray passed away at the age of sixteen in Dunblane, Scotland.

Many individuals who have been affected by this situation may believe they are at fault, but it is crucial for them to understand that this is not the case. You bear no responsibility, and assistance and resources are accessible to you," expressed Mr. Babbage through a statement.

He is optimistic that the notification will serve as a means of increasing knowledge and motivating youths to inform a reliable adult, the police, or the Child Exploitation and Online Protection safety center about any occurrences.

The NCA released advice for parents and caregivers, emphasizing that they should refrain from making payments and instead put a stop to any communication or interaction with the individual who is harassing their child. However, the organization cautioned guardians against getting rid of any evidence, as it could serve as crucial proof.

Mrs Dowey shared a message for those individuals who could be going through a comparable circumstance as her son. She begged them not to follow in Murray's footsteps and resort to taking one's own life. She emphasized that there is nothing so critical that it is worth sacrificing one's life for.

She mentioned that no matter how scared and miserable one might feel presently, it will soon go away and the situation can be resolved.

If the problems discussed in this article have had an impact on you, you can access assistance and guidance through the BBC Action Line.

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