Dell And NVIDIA Unveil Project Helix For Secure AI Generation

Computers and information technology

Dell and NVIDIA joined forces. They want to help businesses create and use AI models on their property. It will improve customer service, market analysis and enterprise search. It will be safe and speedy.

Project Helix gives you the full package. It's made by experts using Dell and NVIDIA stuff. You'll get all the tools you need, and a plan too. Your unique data will be safe and ready for generative AI. Use it without worry and feel happy about accuracy.

Dell has a project called Helix. It makes enterprise AI easy. They use good hardware and software, so it's great for businesses. They can turn data into better outcomes, while also keeping it private. This will help companies grow and make good choices with their own data.

A plan for creating AI on site Creating AI at your location Steps to generating AI on your premises How to develop AI in-house

Project Helix helps with everything in generative AI, from start to finish. This includes infrastructure, modeling, training, development, deployment, and results. Validated designs make it easy for businesses to build generative AI infrastructure on-site in a big way.

Dell PowerEdge servers are great for generative AI training. You can also use them for AI inferencing. These servers work great with NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs and NVIDIA Networking. They're perfect for large amounts of data. You can pair these servers with Dell PowerScale and Dell ECS Enterprise Object Storage.

Dell Validated Designs let clients use Dell server and storage features, and monitor them with Dell CloudIQ. Project Helix has NVIDIA AI Enterprise for customers in AI development. The AI Enterprise has 100+ frameworks, models, and dev tools like NVIDIA NeMo™ and NeMo Guardrails for secure chatbots.

The Helix Project has security and privacy features in its base components, like Secured Component Verification. Keeping data on-premises lowers risk and helps businesses follow regulations.

Jeff Clarke works for Dell Technologies as the vice chairman and co-COO.

Enterprises can use Project Helix to build AI models that help them extract value from untapped datasets rapidly and securely. This infrastructure is scalable and efficient, making it easier for companies to develop innovative generative AI solutions that transform their industries.

Jensen Huang started the company NVIDIA. He is still CEO.

Right now, two important things are happening. Generative AI is getting really good and people want to do more with less. At Dell Technologies, we made really good infrastructure that can help businesses make generative AI applications with their own data. It's safe and it works well.

Bob O'Donnell is the president and main analyst of TECHnalysis Research.

Lots of companies want to use generative AI tools but don't know where to begin. Dell Technologies and NVIDIA can help by providing a full hardware and software set up with trusted brands. This will help businesses create their own AI-powered models and make custom tools.

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