Twitter outage frustrates users and prompts response from Elon Musk on post reading limits


Last updated: July 1, 2023 at 8:01 PM according to CBS News.

Elon Musk sets restrictions on the use of Twitter on a daily basis.

Numerous individuals on Twitter expressed their inability to access and utilize the social media application on Saturday, leading to trending hashtags like "TwitterDown" and "RateLimitExceeded," as per the accounts of countless users.

The service disruption commenced on Saturday morning at approximately 8 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and persisted throughout the afternoon, as indicated by DownDetector. By 1 p.m., the number of reports regarding the website experiencing difficulties exceeded 7,000.

A few individuals pointed out problems such as the inability to access tweets or encountering the error notification, "Apologies, you have reached your usage limit. Please wait for a short while before attempting again."

Elon Musk, who assumed control of the platform in 2022, posted a tweet at approximately 1 p.m. regarding restrictions on post reading. His aim was to tackle excessive data scraping and manipulation of the system. As a temporary measure, the following limits were put in place: Verified accounts are now restricted to reading 6000 posts daily, unverified accounts to 600 posts per day, and new unverified accounts to 300 posts per day.

In the afternoon, he posted on Twitter that the "limitations on activity will be expanding in the near future." He then proceeded to raise the maximum number of daily posts to 8,000 for verified accounts, 800 for unverified accounts, and 400 for new unverified accounts. Later in the evening, he announced that he had further increased the limits to 10,000, 1,000, and 500 respectively.

Upcoming changes will bring higher rate limits, with verified accounts having an allowance of 8000, unverified accounts at 800, and new unverified accounts at 400. Find out more at the link:

Some individuals reached out to Musk on Twitter, addressing him directly with comments such as, "Hey Elon, I seem to be experiencing issues with my Twitter account" and "Is there a restriction on how many tweets can be read?"

In the month of March, there were significant service disruptions on Twitter, which were among the biggest outages witnessed since Musk assumed control. A staggering number of over 8,000 users experienced disruptions and reported them.

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