Liz Hurley laughs off son Damian shooting her in intimate scene

Liz Hurley

The 58-year-old performer revealed that she frequently made her son take pictures of her "constantly."

Released: 8:51 PM Greenwich Mean Time, May 9, 2024 | Revised: 10:04 PM Greenwich Mean Time, May 9, 2024

According to a recent article, Elizabeth Hurley shared that appearing in intimate scenes for her son Damian's latest movie, Strictly Confidential, was a comfortable experience for her. She joked about the fact that Damian has been filming her since he was given his first camera.

The female performer, who is 58 years old, mentioned that her son captured her on video for the first time when he was ten, and has continued to record her ever since.

During her appearance on The One Show, she shared that he started off by crafting small-scale sketches and short films, but eventually worked his way up to producing full-length feature films.

I have constantly mentioned that I would appear in his debut movie. Due to his frequent filming of me and my insistence on clicking pictures regularly, it appeared to be a natural thing.

The movie was made with limited funds. The approach was to quickly produce and move on to the next project.

During an appearance on the One Show, Liz Hurley stated that filming intimate scenes for her child's latest movie was a relaxed experience.

She shared that her child Damian had been recording her with a camera ever since he was ten years old. It was then when she procured him his initial camera.

On Wednesday night, Damian and his mother went to the London screening of the movie, together with Liz's former partner, Hugh Grant.

Damian remarked, "What a whirlwind this has been! It was absolutely mind-blowing. We were thrilled to have many loved ones and acquaintances in attendance."

Discussing filming the movie's sensual scenes, which involved portraying Lesbian intercourse, Liz shared: 'It's common knowledge that shooting any intimate scenario isn't actually enticing. It's simply a matter of technique. Plus, we had practiced and rehearsed it beforehand. Damian ensured everything went smoothly, and the experience was quite effortless.'

At the London premiere of the film on Wednesday, Liz was joined by her former partner, Hugh Grant. She wore a daring green dress covered in sequins.

Damian has justified his choice to supervise his mother during the saucy scenes of the movie and divulged that they didn't have a specialist on the set to handle the intimate scenes.

Liz expressed that what she found particularly pleasant about the attendance of her friends and family was that every individual present had been acquainted with him since the day he came into the world.

'It was a great feeling to witness him doing that.'

She stated, "I believe it was the utmost anxious I've ever witnessed you [Damian]."

Although the production experienced some issues, the mother and son disclosed that they encountered difficulties when delivering the outfits to the filming destination in St Kitt's and Nevis.

The mother and son shared that some of the outfits for the movie were held up in customs at St Kitt's and Nevis. Consequently, Damian's 'male godfather' had to stealthily bring them in, and this included 80 swimsuits.

Damian disclosed that his 'male godparent' had to sneak in 80 bikinis because they were stopped by the customs officials.

Damian explained that this occurred approximately one week prior to our intended filming date. Nearly 80% of our attire was refused entry at the border and subsequently transported back to the United States.

There are hardly any stores selling costumes and there isn't adequate support for filming in that area.

I convinced my male godfather to bring approximately one hundred costumes by plane, hiding them in his suitcase. Everyone was so pleased with their bikinis.

My father's godfather was present and confidently exclaimed, "These 80 bikinis are certainly mine. What do you mean?" And just like that, the matter was settled.

When inquired if the individual in question was Grant, the response was given as: 'He is not the criminal who smuggles bikes, but he is a revered figure as a godfather.'

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