Georgia Harrison: How I got OnlyFans to take down revenge porn videos

Georgia Harrison

The act of sharing sexual images or videos without someone's consent is known as revenge porn, and it can rapidly spread just like a wildfire. My name is Georgia Harrison, and if you are not familiar with my situation, I was subjected to revenge porn in the year 2020. Thankfully, I was able to bring my ex-partner to justice for this heinous act, and my case has now become an exemplary model for law students to learn from and prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

I was invited to join a committee led by the amazing Caroline Nokes MP at Westminster on Wednesday. We discussed necessary alterations to secure future victims and prevent the terrible impact of this crime on their lives.

While participating in the session, I was prompted to share my own encounter with the hosting of a sexually explicit video of me on major technology platforms. It is important to note that I did not give my consent for the recording or sharing of this video. The focus was on how the platforms responded when I was trying to remove it. Despite the video already having millions of views across different websites, I was making a frantic effort to have it deleted.

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