Sympathy For Rishi Sunak: Left-wing Commentators Too

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

To not feel bad for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, you would need to be a very biased political commentator.

Blog posted on May 22, 2023 at 7:59 am BST. Possible rewrite: Blog up. May 22, 2023. 7:59 am BST.

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The premier of Yorkshire faced a serious situation at the G7 table. He was discussing serious matters that would affect the national security of the western world. The situation was also a matter of life and death for Ukranians who were invaded by Vladimir Putin's Russian military.

Mr. Sunak may be annoyed when questioned about Suella Braverman's desire to avoid legal procedures related to a speeding offense. She is the Minister responsible for law and order in the country, and the information was revealed in The Times newspaper.

The Prime Minister did not say if Ms Braverman asked civil servants to help her avoid getting points on her licence. He said he was too busy to know everything that happened.

The Richmond MP's task is difficult because their party is known for selfish entitlement. This episode shows that clearly.

Can Mr Sunak show strong leadership? Or will he let another crisis happen without action?

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