ITV to ban under-18s from working on This Morning as broadcaster seeks to roll out new reforms in...


ITV plans to prohibit individuals under the age of 18 from working on This Morning because the network is introducing fresh changes following the Phillip Schofield controversy.

As per the Sun's report, channel executives have decided to take strict measures against favoritism towards "nepo babies". They aim to make it tough for employees to assist their acquaintances and relatives in securing employment at the firm.

This decision has been implemented following the resignation of 62-year-old former This Morning host Schofield, who made a dramatic exit from the program shortly after confessing to having deceived his audience with regards to engaging in a romantic relationship with a significantly younger co-worker, which took place back in May of 2023.

The guy, who was only 15 when he first met the host and who the host helped secure a much-envied position as a runner on This Morning at the age of 19, commenced his employment with the programme in 2019.

The two people started dating when the guy was 20 years old and then he went on to work for the TV program, Loose Women. Eventually, he left the network after receiving a payment.

Since the affair was exposed, Schofield's TV appearances have significantly decreased and he has declined to participate in an investigation by ITV and the parliamentary inquiry regarding the matter.

Schofield, who used to be a presenter on This Morning, left the show in a sudden manner after confessing to having told a lie about being in a relationship with a much younger co-worker in May of 2023.

Someone with inside knowledge informed The Sun that ITV is determined to prevent a situation like the Schofield scandal from occurring again. They are actively working towards making sure that all employees feel secure and comfortable in their workplace. (The image used is from the file.)

According to a reliable source who spoke to The Sun, ITV is determined to prevent a situation similar to the Schofield scandal from recurring. The company is putting in effort to establish a secure and comfortable work environment for all of its employees.

An old job website indicates that the company once recruited underage teenagers who were less than 16 years old. One of their ads was for a week-long "Experience Program" designed for 14 to 17 year olds.

The program is ongoing, and now it is necessary to be at least 18 years old to participate, according to the information provided on the official website.

Additionally, it came to light in the previous year that all employees of the broadcasting company were instructed to disclose any romantic involvement within the workplace.

In 2020, Schofield announced that he was gay and as a result, he parted ways with his partner Stephanie, who he had been married to for 27 years.

After quitting This Morning, ITV conducted an examination of the controversy and the negative atmosphere at the program in the previous year.

According to a study conducted by Jane Mulcahy KC, employees are still hesitant to express their opinions on certain issues because they believe it may have negative consequences on their professional advancement.

The investigation carried out a survey on 48 individuals, out of which only one confirmed prior knowledge of the connection before May 2023.

The investigation revealed that ITV didn't conceal the scandal. In fact, they went to great lengths to uncover the truth in 2019, which was four years before the affair became public. According to the independent review, the channel struggled to find the necessary evidence until Schofield came forward with his confession.

Ms Mulcahy stated in her report that senior management is fully committed to having an open and transparent work environment.

In the year 2020, before the pandemic hit, there was an episode of the TV show 'This Morning' where Phillip Schofield announced that he is gay. Holly Willoughby, his co-host, embraced him with a hug after the announcement.

Phil and Holly were featured on This Morning 20 years ago, specifically in the year 2004.

In February 2023, 'Dancing On Ice' will feature a TV presenters duo, namely Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby.

However, the organization's values and principles have yet to be fully understood and embraced by entry-level workers who fear that advocating for change can negatively affect their professional growth.

During an interview with BBC, Schofield, a man who has two children, denied the accusation of grooming a young man. He met the person in question while attending a school for performing arts.

Admitting to feeling completely shattered and embarrassed, he went on to say: 'We used to be friends, but one day something occurred in my private room that I'll always rue, especially for him, and also for myself. This went on for roughly four or five times over the following months.'

I realize it's terrible, but we weren't in a romantic relationship. We didn't have any formal attachment. I was struggling with my sexual identity at that point, and it simply occurred.

Schofield expressed that the gentleman earned his position on This Morning due to his exceptional skills and abilities in the field. He went on to say that the individual was highly regarded and respected by all, and had put in a significant amount of effort to achieve success.

During the month of February, news came to light that the host had given a large sum of money to their previous partner in exchange for a contract stipulating that the younger individual would never reveal any information about their romantic involvement together.

Someone who knows about the NDA has informed the Mail on Sunday that if the complete information about the scandal was ever to be disclosed, it could cause more distress for him.

ITV's inquiry solely identified an individual as Person X, who was advised by prestigious London-based legal company, Mishcon de Reya, during the talks concerning the NDA.

MailOnline has reached out to ITV and Philip Schofield for a statement.

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