Majority of Brits are concerned about their digital identity and take steps to protect it


A recent survey conducted on more than 1,200 individuals from the general UK population indicates that 72 percent of participants express worry regarding the security of their digital persona. Similarly, 75 percent of respondents assert apprehension over the potential exploitation of their online and occasionally offline behaviors by the mobile applications they utilize.

Consumer - Figure 1

What's even more noteworthy is that 81 percent of individuals have taken the time to peruse the fine print and subsequently chosen to consciously decline the authorizations that an application is seeking.

According to a study conducted by ID Crypt Global, experts in digital identity security, the primary source of concern for individuals is social media. Approximately 47% of respondents expressed their unease regarding the privacy and safety of their personal information in this domain. Furthermore, the study revealed that the data people worry about the most includes their personal contacts (21%), media libraries (18%), and location (16%).

According to Lauren Wilson-Smith, the head and creator of ID Crypt Global

The EU is presently examining SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity); the functions it can serve and the most effective way to introduce it to the population. In the United Kingdom, since we are no longer affiliated with the EU, our government would need to adopt an independent and proactive strategy.

As professionals in the field of digital identity security, we have always held the belief that SSI would be widely adopted. This survey provides evidence that the public is eager for and requires it to be implemented as soon as possible.

People are aware of the widespread data collection that is taking place, and they recognize the significant issues associated with its rapid and extensive implementation. Individuals can take measures to safeguard their information, but they lack the necessary amount of authority and oversight. It is widely acknowledged that when individuals have no control over their personal data or knowledge of how it is being utilized, trust diminishes significantly.

We all need to remain optimistic that UK legislators and regulators swiftly grasp the concept of SSI. However, in the interim, there are commendable service providers diligently striving to safeguard consumers from this insatiable, deceitful, and hazardous behavior.

The study indicates that there is undoubtedly a substantial amount of consciousness regarding privacy concerns. Two-thirds of the participants stated that they possess knowledge regarding the specific information online platforms and applications collect. Likewise, nearly seven out of ten individuals confirmed that they have analyzed the permissions prior to downloading a mobile application.

You can access the comprehensive outcomes in a Google Docs spreadsheet format.

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