MU Welcomes News That Creative Scotland Funds Are to Be Reinstated


After Scotland's First Minister confirmed yesterday, Creative Scotland has received the funding required to reopen the Open Fund for Individuals, YMI Access to Music Making, and YMI Strengthening Youth Music Fund.

Written by Caroline Sewell on September 5, 2024 at 12:32 PM.

The MU is happy to hear that Scottish First Minister John Swinney has allocated resources to Creative Scotland.

This will restore the essential funding that was cut off two weeks ago, as part of a freeze on spending across the government.

We are looking forward to the Open Fund for Individuals, YMI Access to Music Making, and YMI Strengthening Youth Music Fund to be available for applications as soon as possible.

MU To Keep Working With Scottish Gov

We are very worried about the ongoing financial problems in the industry, and we want the Scottish Government to work hard to rebuild trust with the sector after making this sudden change in direction. This has caused a lot of stress and uncertainty for a lot of people working in the creative field.

The MU will keep talking to the Scottish Government about funding for the arts and fair employment for musicians.

We are committed to participating wholeheartedly in any discussions regarding the upcoming evaluation of Creative Scotland.

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