Party leader tells residents why they should vote Reform UK

Reform UK

Reform UK Leader Visits Rutland & Stamford Ahead Of Election

Posted: 5:21 PM, May 22nd, 2024 The original blog post was published on May 22nd, 2024 at 5:21 PM.

A politician with right-wing views who aimed to gain support for the upcoming general election managed to draw in a group of people who paid to attend the event which took place in Rutland.

On Tuesday (May 21), Christopher Clowes' campaign was launched by Reform UK leader Richard Tice at Oakham's Rutland County Museum.

In March, Ginny H Ball was removed from her position as the Reform UK candidate for Rutland and Stamford after making an offensive comment. She suggested that a British-born Asian BBC radio presenter should leave the country and move to a place only for black people. As a result, Mr Clowes was selected to take her place as the party's candidate.

Not all of the seats in the museum's biggest room, which could accommodate 180 people, were occupied. Those who came to the gathering had to pay a fee of £5 which covered the cost of the refreshments. The announced price of the tickets was decreased in the lead-up to the meeting.

Tice shared, "During my education, I attended a school in Uppingham and my offspring have also been educated there. As a result, the town gives off a familiar and comfortable vibe."

He mentioned that it is crucial for the Reform UK nominees, such as Mr. Clowes, to visit the Rutland and Stamford zone and personally speak to individuals by going door-to-door. The motive behind this is to create awareness and encourage people by stating that there is still room for hope and that Britain is still a remarkable country.

According to him, the main point conveyed during the evening was that there is a necessity for changes to be made across various sectors such as the economy, healthcare, immigration, societal regulations, military, customs, and knowledge enrichment.

He stated that the individuals residing in Rutland, just like those across the whole country, sense a significant disappointment with the Conservatives. He also mentioned that if Labour wins the election, the nation would climb into a state of catastrophe known as "Starmer-geddon".

According to Christopher Clowes, Rutland is a county that readily embraces change. He anticipates a shift in political allegiance from the Conservatives to Reform UK among the residents of the area.

He mentioned the creation of Rutland Water half a century ago as a demonstration of this fact, along with the occurrence of Rutland's autonomy 27 years ago.

He expressed that when it comes to persuading the voters of Rutland to change their opinions, many people whom he has been listening to are feeling extremely dissatisfied due to the reduced amount of services, the lack of access to buses in their villages, and the shutting down of community facilities.

This county has a lengthy past of seeing facilities like the leisure centre shut down by both the Conservative and now Liberal council, claiming they lack the necessary funding for upkeep. This type of action tends to frustrate voters greatly.

This place is a countryside region with its own unique way of living. Individuals come here to experience the companionship of a rural community, and I want to assure those voters that my main objective is to safeguard that community. I encourage them to reconsider their decision and choose to vote for me so that this lifestyle can be safeguarded.

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