Racism played part in police kick incident at Manchester airport, says former senior officer

Manchester Airport

According to a former senior police officer from the Met, racism was a major factor in a man being kicked and stamped on by police during an arrest at Manchester airport.

Dal Babu, with over 30 years of experience in the Metropolitan Police, expressed his shock and disgust at a video depicting an arrest, describing it as completely appalling.

The recording, captured at Manchester airport earlier this week, seems to capture a man getting kicked in the face and having his head stomped on by a police officer from Greater Manchester Police (GMP) while he is laying on the ground. Another part of the video shows officers pushing a woman who is trying to calm the tense situation.

On Thursday morning, GMP announced that a police officer has been relieved of duty after a careful examination of new information. The force reported its decision to the Independent Office for Police Conduct the day before.

During an interview on BBC Radio 4's Today show, Babu stated that the amount of force used was completely unnecessary against a man who was essentially unable to defend himself. He also mentioned that he believed racism was a major factor in the situation.

He spoke about how this incident is very serious and comes at a time when people already have very little trust in the police. This adds to the growing concerns that people have about law enforcement. In the past, it was mainly minorities, LGBTQ individuals, and young people who had issues with the police. But now, it seems like no matter who you are, there is a decreasing level of trust in the police.

He expressed his belief that the Home Office would have a keen interest in the situation. He emphasized the importance of addressing this significant incident effectively and questioned whether Greater Manchester police have the necessary expertise to work with communities and alleviate the tension.

The police reported that three of their officers were attacked during a fight at terminal 2 of the airport. One of the officers, a female PC, sustained a broken nose. Four men were taken into custody for causing a disturbance and assaulting emergency responders.

People expressed their anger towards GMP during a protest on Wednesday evening, with around 200 individuals gathering outside Rochdale police station. Assistant Chief Constable Wasim Chaudhry stated that the demonstration ended peacefully and without any issues. He acknowledged the community's concerns and supported their right to peacefully express their opinions.

He mentioned: "We have dedicated our evening to hearing from the community and will keep collaborating with communities and elected officials to nurture strong partnerships and grasp local perspectives."

Babu expressed concern about the choice to have an Asian officer speak to the media regarding the incident, stating that it was quite alarming. He noted that the chief constable and Steve Watson were not the ones addressing the public, but rather Asian officers. Babu pointed out the limited number of senior Asian officers in Greater Manchester police, emphasizing the importance of diversity in representation.

A somewhat insincere effort is being made to showcase an Asian officer in order to convey the message that the situation is being addressed. However, it has been more than 48 hours since the incident occurred, and I believe that Greater Manchester police have been slow to fully grasp the gravity of the situation.

Rochdale MP Paul Waugh expressed his plans to meet with the family involved in the incident on Thursday, noting that the video was "shocking and disturbing." "I share the same concerns as many others who have viewed this footage. I have been informed that the individual arrested is a resident of Rochdale, and I am eager to meet with the family at the earliest opportunity," he stated.

It is appropriate for the police officer involved to be taken off duty and for this matter to be sent to the Independent Office for Police Conduct. I anticipate a comprehensive and prompt investigation.

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