Kristi Noem Defends Shooting ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Family Dog In Fox News Interview

Kristi Noem

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota received criticism for revealing in her new book that she shot and killed her family's hunting dog when it was just 14 months old. She defended her decision and claimed that the media twisted the story, leading to public outrage and potential damage to her standing in the GOP vice presidential nominee race.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has once more justified her choice to euthanize her pet dog, according to a previous photograph.

During a conversation with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Noem asserted that the canine was incredibly hazardous and she desired to guarantee the wellbeing of her little ones and other youngsters who were employed at their establishment.

During the interview, Hannity raised the concern by stating that "aggressive dogs may need to be euthanized" and inquired of Noem whether or not there was a distinction in the method of "putting a dog to sleep."

Noem accused "fake news" of causing an uproar by omitting crucial details from her book's story and twisting the facts in the most negative way. She recommended that individuals purchase her book to discover the real truth.

The governor of South Dakota claimed that the wirehaired pointer, which is 14 months old, is not a puppy but a working dog. She also said that the canine had been given to her by a family who thought it was too aggressive.

According to Noem, the day when the dog was euthanized was the same day when it killed and injured the livestock of their neighbors and also attacked Noem.

According to the Governor of South Dakota, farmers and ranchers believe that any dog that attacks and kills livestock should be euthanized. They are aware that such an animal poses a serious threat because it will continue to harm and take pleasure in it.

Noem explains that she included this story in her book because it showcases the difficult choices she has faced throughout her life. She believes that many politicians will avoid being truthful and making difficult decisions, but she takes a different approach and confronts these challenges head on.

During the interview, Hannity tried to compare Noem's dog to President Joe Biden's German Shepherd. Hannity commented on the incident where 24 Secret Service agents were bitten by a big dog belonging to the president and suggested that Biden failed to take action against the dog to prevent such incidents from happening. Hannity questioned whether it is responsible to allow a dog that bites people in large numbers to be around others. Consequently, in October last year, the German Shepherd was relocated from the White House. CNN reports that Commander is now residing with the president's family members.

According to a recent article in the Guardian, Governor Kristi Noem shared in her upcoming book that she had to euthanize her family's dog, Cricket. After the dog ruined a pheasant hunt and killed a neighbor's chicken, Noem felt the animal was "untrainable" and "less than worthless" as a hunting dog. This led to her decision to take Cricket to a gravel pit and shoot her. The news has sparked criticism and ridicule from members of both political parties. Additionally, it has been suggested that Noem's chances of being chosen as Donald Trump's running mate may have been diminished due to this revelation.

Kristi Noem defends the alleged murder of her dog, saying she did not break any laws. This statement was shared in Forbes.

According to a recent publication by Forbes, Kristi Noem, a possible Vice President selection for Donald Trump, has claimed responsibility for the death of her family's dog and goat in a new book.

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