Holly Willoughby targeted by kidnap, rape and murder plot - court

Holly Willoughby

Man Planned To 'rape And Kill' Holly Willoughby

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Holly Willoughby - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Gavin Plumb reportedly had intentions to kidnap television host Holly Willoughby from her residence.

BBC News reported on a case at Chelmsford Crown Court

A court heard that a security guard planned to kidnap, sexually assault, and kill TV personality Holly Willoughby in order to fulfill his "ultimate fantasy".

Gavin Plumb, 37, is accused of putting together a set of tools for violent acts with a sexual nature against the ex-host of This Morning from 2021 to 2023.

Mr. Plumb, who is from Harlow, Essex, is currently appearing in court at Chelmsford Crown Court. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges of soliciting murder, inciting kidnap, and inciting rape.

The defendant did not just talk wildly without thinking; according to prosecutor Alison Morgan KC, they had meticulously planned their actions.

Mr. Plumb was taken into custody after unintentionally revealing his intentions to a secret law enforcement agent from the United States, according to the court testimony.

Mr Plumb was said to have developed a strong fixation on Ms Willoughby over the course of several years.

He had a strong desire to abduct the broadcaster from her residence, transport her to a place where she would endure multiple instances of sexual assault, and ultimately kill her, according to Ms. Morgan.

She stated that Mr. Plumb was apprehended following his disclosure of a scheme to an undercover American law enforcement officer with whom he had been conversing over the internet.

Beginning the presentation of evidence, Ms. Morgan explained that Mr. Plumb had first confided in a man named Marc about his idea back in 2021.

She claimed that the person accused told her, "I'm going to fulfill my wildest dream."

He continued by saying, "I no longer find satisfaction in fantasy. I crave authenticity now."

Police officers went to Mr. Plumb's home in Potters Field, Harlow, after getting information from a police officer in the United States.

During the court hearing, it was revealed that Mr. Plumb bought 400 robust metal cable ties online while having a conversation with Marc.

The jury listened to a voicemail that Mr. Plumb sent to Marc in March 2023, which detailed his strategy to go out at night to avoid heavy traffic.

Put chloroform on both Ms. Willoughby and her husband so that they can be easily controlled.

Next, we will compel her to record a video stating that she willingly agreed to come with us. She will confirm that she consents to everything that we do to her, ensuring that we are protected legally.

Ms Morgan also disclosed that Mr. Plumb had attempted to kidnap before, but was unsuccessful in 2006 and 2008.

The woman claimed that the accused had bound a teenage girl's hands with rope and tape before trying to make two other women leave the train with him by using a gun as a threat.

"This accused individual understood exactly how to intimidate and dominate a woman," Ms. Morgan continued.

Picture credit goes to Julia Quenzler from the BBC.

Mr. Plumb had on a gray jumper when the situation was unveiled.

During the trial, it was revealed that in October 2023 Mr. Plumb had a conversation on the internet with someone he thought was named David Nelson.

"In the conversation, the accused detailed his intentions to abduct, assault, and kill the famous personality Holly Willoughby," stated Ms. Morgan.

She stated that Mr. Plumb's designs were explicit and clearly driven by sexual motives.

"The jurors were very convinced by his argument. He had developed a strong fascination with Holly Willoughby over many years," the prosecutor revealed.

The judge watched a video that Mr. Plumb sent to the undercover officer where he inquired about the seriousness of the plan.

It displayed a collection of items used for sexual activities arranged on a bed, such as handcuffs, ankle restraints, a rope, and a mouth gag.

Picture credits, Richard Knight for the BBC

Gavin Plumb is currently facing trial at Chelmsford Crown Court.

Describing the events leading to Plumb's arrest, Ms. Morgan explained that the person he was chatting with online was actually a police officer from the USA pretending to be an abductor.

"The criminal's scheme to commit the crimes was disrupted and that's when the police took him into custody," she said.

During his arrest, Mr. Plumb confessed to the officers that Holly Willoughby was someone he fantasized about.

She mentioned that there was a folder on his phone labeled Holly that contained 10,322 pictures of Ms. Willoughby, a lot of them being pornographic "deep fake" images.

"If implemented, it would have resulted in a terrible act of violence against Ms Willoughby," Ms Morgan stated.

"He spent a lot of time strategizing a plan to harm her, which sadly included acts of violence, sexual assault, and murder."

During the trial, it was mentioned in court that Ms Willoughby had chosen not to remain anonymous and she would not need to testify.

Mr. Plumb was dressed in a gray sweater and seated in the dock when the proceedings began.

The court case, which is predicted to go on for a duration of two weeks, is ongoing.

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