What advisers said about their future allocation to private assets


Only 33% of advisers plan to increase their investment in private assets in the coming year.

The survey inquired: in the coming year, would you contemplate raising your investment in private assets?

Fifty percent of the respondents answered negatively, while thirty-three point three percent answered affirmatively, and sixteen point seven percent expressed uncertainty.

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When discussing his strategy for investing in private assets, Ross Lacey, a director and certified financial planner at Fairview Financial Management, explained that they take a straightforward approach. They aim to keep things uncomplicated by allocating a significant portion of their clients' funds to global stocks, based on their clients' comfort levels and financial plans.

Private assets might have a role to play, but just like any other investment that carries the potential for concentrated holdings and limited liquidity, they should only make up a small portion of one's entire investment portfolio. An alternative way to achieve a similar level of diversification exposure could be by considering venture capital trusts (VCTs) or enterprise investment schemes (EISs), which offer the added advantage of tax benefits to help balance out the higher risk involved.

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