Regulation, collaboration and the response to the CMA Guidance

News Today

Rules, working together, and the reaction to the Competition and Markets Authority examination of will writing services are all discussed in the newest episode of the Today's Wills and Probate Podcast. David Opie, the host, is joined by Antony Brinkman, the CEO of the Willwriting Partnership and the Chair of the Professional Standards Board (PSB).

Antony starts off by talking about the PSB, a separate group from the Society of Will Writers. The PSB's main purpose is to help SWW members improve their skills and abilities. Right now, the PSB mainly provides support to unregulated will writers who choose to join voluntarily. Antony believes that in the future, the PSB could potentially take on a larger role.

In his role as the CEO of The Willwriting Partnership, he oversees the company's expansion and overall success, striving to enhance the standard of work produced. He also identifies potential obstacles and opportunities within the industry.

The conversation naturally shifts to the topic of regulation. Antony believes that we are making progress in terms of quality and thinks that it is very likely to happen. He mentions the regulation of financial services, mortgages, and funeral planning as evidence of the trend.

Antony believes that regulation could have negative consequences, as it may restrict options for consumers. The PSB and SWW supported the recent CMA investigation, as it aims to help firms understand their responsibilities under consumer law more clearly.

Did it have room for improvement? Most likely, according to Antony. Requiring membership would have sent a clearer message; we still struggle to regulate organizations that don't adhere to the consumer protections offered by these membership bodies, which was a key focus of the investigation.

The conversation explores the current state and potential future of the will writing industry, as well as the different contributions that various players in the field may have in influencing its direction.

You can listen to the Today's Wills and Probate podcast on your favorite podcast platform or on Make sure to subscribe to stay updated on the newest developments and opinions in the wills and probate industry.

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