Georgia Harrison on her fight against revenge porn: 'I hope he has a nice life'

Georgia Harrison

Georgia Harrison is looking sharp in her stylish pink boucle jacket and a white blouse that's fully buttoned up at the collar. She has her hair pulled back into an elegant and tidy ponytail. However, once she's done with her Zoom call, she'll promptly switch over to her Tinkerbell costume for some early Halloween fun. Some pictures are now up on her Instagram account.

Georgia Harrison - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

Before her ex-partner, Stephen Bear, came into her life, the reality star and social media influencer could be described as a happy-go-lucky woman. However, after encountering Bear, her life was nearly destroyed.

He has been in prison for seven months for distributing a video footage of their intimate moment, which he recorded without her consent. Currently, he is feeling relieved as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He is beginning to feel the enchantment of life once more and is falling in love with it all over again.

Harrison, who is 28 years old, used to appear on popular reality TV shows like The Only Way Is Essex and Love Island. However, now she is recognized as a prominent campaigner after her widely-publicized struggles, which she reveals in her latest book entitled Taking Back My Power.

It all started in August of last year when she had sexual intercourse with Bear. Even though he reassured her that the video footage would remain confidential, she had reservations. She began to hear rumors that other individuals had viewed the video and eventually received screenshots.

According to her, waiting for what was bound to happen was the most challenging time in her life. She discloses in her book that the video spread like wildfire, starting from Bear's OnlyFans page and then on to Pornhub. Upon the arrival of that point, she felt a sense of release.

She described living in constant fear and envisioning scenarios in which she would be judged harshly by others. The thought of disappointing her loved ones caused her great distress.

When it finally became widely known and shared across the internet, it was like a burden had been lifted. I was able to discuss the situation with my loved ones, as well as reach out to the authorities and individuals who could provide assistance.

I feel like it was important for me to have those discussions in order to realize that there was no reason for me to feel embarrassed or guilty.

There was nothing else I could do besides going to the police.

Harrison's career as an influencer came to an end when the companies she collaborated with swiftly distanced themselves from her.

She declares that she experienced great disgrace, humiliation, and anxiety, realizing the numerous individuals who had seen the video or were looking for the "adult recording."

However, she never showed any reluctance to approach the authorities or using all available means to halt the situation.

She went so far as to request her Instagram followers' assistance in gathering evidence, openly relinquishing her right to remain unidentified as a victim of sexual abuse.

Upon realizing the vast number of pornographic websites hosting the content and the fact that he was personally selling it on a verified account, she determined that going to the police and confronting the issue directly was the only suitable course of action.

Georgia Harrison - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

In the year 2022, when Bear was put on trial, he utilized his Twitter account to publicize an offer that provided a reduction of fifty percent on his website for adult entertainment. Additionally, he posted a picture of himself entering the court, escorted by his girlfriend.

In the picture, he was seen stepping out of a rented white Rolls Royce that was being driven by a chauffeur and heading towards the courthouse. The caption that came along with the image announced that there was a 50% discount available on his adult website for the next day. He also urged people to come and check out why he was currently so popular.

If you want to have a better experience while watching the video, it is recommended that you use the Chrome browser. This will provide you with better accessibility and enhance your overall viewing pleasure.

"It was truly disheartening."

Harrison states that his conduct was "dreadful". Nevertheless, she believes that it revealed the true nature of Stephen Bear.

"He had an overbearing demeanor, was impolite, and often disregarded others," she explains. "He showed contempt towards women who were not related to the court, including journalists, by treating them as though they were unimportant. This was his true nature. Therefore, it was beneficial for the public to witness the difficult behavior I had to endure firsthand."

She had to go through the traumatic experience again in the courtroom, confirming the authenticity of the pictures from the evidence displayed to the jury.

She expresses feeling extremely vulnerable because she is required to view images of herself engaging in various sexual acts that she never anticipated anyone else seeing.

The experience was exceedingly arduous, not just for myself but also for the entire audience present. There was a sense of shame that permeated throughout the room, and it was palpable that the jury must have been experiencing their own discomfort.

"I realized that it was necessary to complete the task at hand, therefore I had to muster my courage and persevere. It was a disheartening experience."

Bear, who is currently 33 years old, was convicted of voyeurism and two instances of revealing intimate sexual images and videos. He received a 21-month prison sentence in March of this year.

This was a very important case. Refuge, a charity for women, recently gathered information stating that out of the 13,860 offenses involving intimate images that were reported to 24 different police departments between January 1, 2019 and July 31, 2022, only 4% of those who were accused were charged or sent a summons. Convictions are even rarer.

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Georgia Harrison - Figure 3
Photo Sky News

After Harrison and other campaigners raised awareness, the government announced in June that they would implement changes to simplify the conviction process for individuals who share revenge porn.

Although the offense was made illegal in 2015, the latest adjustments will eliminate the need for legal teams to demonstrate that the culprits had the intention to cause discomfort to obtain a guilty verdict.

"It's difficult for me to fully grasp that it truly occurred," she expresses. "I believe it will alter the rates of convictions. My desire is that when we talk about this a year from now, I'll have data demonstrating that it has had an impact."

She states, "The clause has been a major letdown for the girls and victims that I have conversed with in the past."

Harrison is currently advocating for more severe penalties to be imposed on online platforms that display photos or videos that have been captured or distributed without consent.

She expresses that the most disturbing part of her experience was not acknowledging that it happened to her. Instead, it was acknowledging that these influential platforms, who earn billions annually and have a significant responsibility to safeguard their subscribers and viewers, were ignorant.

Harrison shares that nobody was willing to reply to her inquiry. She only received pre-programmed replies that stated they'll reach out after five to six days.

Someone who speaks for OnlyFans stated that they removed the video after receiving notice, shut down the account involved and helped to bring about the legal proceedings against Stephen Bear. This all happened within a day.

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Asking for such a thing is not a high demand.

Harrison harbors doubt towards technology firms, yet exhibits confidence in the Online Safety Bill. This proposed legislation will establish additional obligations on social media platforms to safeguard their users from hazardous content.

If the major websites fail to ensure the safety of their users, they could be subjected to hefty penalties, amounting to as much as £18 million or 10% of their worldwide income, which could be billions of pounds. The top executives of these tech companies could also be imprisoned in severe circumstances.

Harrison believes that when compliance becomes a factor, more funds will be allocated towards it.

She is advocating for social media companies to have staff members who are equipped to handle reports of all types of online abuse.

Georgia Harrison - Figure 4
Photo Sky News

According to her explanation, it is reasonable to expect the ability to communicate with a person who can promptly halt or remove material for evaluation. This is a simple request.

Harrison's current lifestyle is significantly dissimilar from what she had anticipated as a popular figure and trendsetter. She collaborated with several underwear companies previously, but that is no longer the case.

"It's strange to me how there's been a negative perception attached to that particular industry," she expresses. "I strongly believe that numerous brands need to analyze their approach towards treating women in such circumstances and also implement measures in favor of women's empowerment, given that they make up a significant chunk of their customer base. It seems a bit ironical otherwise."

However, she also mentioned that she's fortunate to have new opportunities coming her way. Recently, she was honored with the activist of the year award by Glamour magazine and had the chance to go to Downing Street last month.

In my opinion, experiencing a lot of challenges within a short period of time can make it difficult to return to a state of contentment. It takes time to eliminate the feeling of uncertainty and anxiety about things going wrong.

If Harrison had the chance to speak to Bear, what do you think he would tell him?

Harrison has released her book and she also has upcoming movie plans. She expressed that her forthcoming works will reveal how strong she is, and this side of her personality is something that people in the UK haven't seen yet.

I'm not entirely convinced of the accuracy of that statement, I express. In my opinion, if I had to describe Georgia Harrison's character over the last few years with one word, it would definitely be resilient.

She grins. Her message to those who are going through the same ordeal as she did is, "You should feel no shame whatsoever."

I inquire about her message to Bear in case they meet each other again.

The immediate answer is "Nada." Her desire is for him to acknowledge his mistake to himself, not necessarily in front of others, and "make moves to improve as a superior individual by understanding the value of women, treating women with kindness, and also refraining from committing unlawful acts in the future."

Harrison has discovered her path: "I reckon that any person who has lost their direction in the world should get an opportunity to make things better by rehabilitating themselves and understanding from their blunders, but I don't think that everyone has the capability to achieve that. Nevertheless, I hope that he can do it and lead a happy life - a life of righteousness."

Harrison is happy with all her accomplishments and remains committed to standing up for those who may have experienced comparable injustices. However, she acknowledges the importance of staying true to her old self, Georgia Harrison.

According to her, she is a cheerful and comical individual with a carefree attitude. However, she feels that these traits of her persona often go unnoticed or overshadowed.

I am advocating and addressing critical issues that are mentally exhausting and fatiguing. Therefore, I am endeavoring to achieve equilibrium.

She expressed her desire to assist others, then added that she aims to maintain a positive and upbeat attitude. She smiled as she mentioned that she couldn't wait to switch into her Halloween outfit for the party.

Tinkerbell is a petite fairy renowned for her talent in repairing objects.

The book Taking Back My Power, which is published by Renegade Books, is available now in different formats such as eBook and audio.

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