Gary Glitter told to pay victim £508,000 damages for sexual abuse

Gary Glitter

The writer who covers topics related to domestic affairs and law for the BBC News.

In the year 2015, Gary Glitter faced imprisonment following a trial where he was found guilty of charges related to sexual abuse.

Gary Glitter, a person who has been found guilty of committing sexual offenses, has been instructed to pay a minimum of £508,000 to a survivor who he sexually assaulted when she was only 12 years of age.

A judge from the High Court decreed that the shamed music artist - known as Paul Gadd - committed severe sexual misconduct against the plaintiff.

After Gadd's conviction in 2015 for abusing her and two other young individuals between 1975 and 1980, the woman made her claim.

Gadd, who is 80 years old, was imprisoned for 16 years and then was released in February of the previous year, but after violating his parole, he was taken back to prison six weeks later. The reason for the revocation of his parole was the accusation of viewing downloaded photos of minors, which violated his conditions of release.

On Tuesday, a ruling consisting of 13 pages was published by Mrs. Justice Tipples from the High Court. According to the ruling, the woman has the right to receive £508,800 as compensation. However, there is still a pending decision if interest will be added to that amount. Additionally, Gadd may also have to cover the legal costs of his victim.

It is indisputable that the plaintiff was subjected to severe sexual abuse by the accused at the young age of twelve, and this traumatic experience has had a profoundly negative effect on the remainder of her life, stated Mrs. Justice Tipples.

Gadd has been commanded to pay a sum of money. This monetary amount involves £381,000 due to missed income and £7,800 for upcoming treatments and therapy.

During the court proceeding, it was stated that the woman filing the lawsuit was unable to work for several years due to the perpetrator's mistreatment. For legal purposes, the woman's identity remains confidential.

According to her lawyer, Jonathan Metzer, her encounters had a severe and awful influence on her academics, occupation, and intimate connections.

Mrs Justice Tipples determined that Gadd neglected to recognize the request for compensation made against him, resulting in an automatic loss of the case. Additionally, he did not take the opportunity to speak to the court over a video connection while deciding the precise amount he must provide as compensation.

According to the judge, Gadd initiated sexual assault and rape by giving champagne to both the victim and her mother after meeting them backstage at a concert. He then separated the 12-year-old from her mother.

After the attacks, the girl's conduct declined quickly and she left school at the age of 13.

According to the judge, the victim's psychological damage was severe. She even altered her identity in an attempt to erase Gadd's memory of calling out her name.

According to the judge, she experiences severe problems falling asleep, encounters distressing flashbacks and memories that invade her mind, as well as endures panic attacks and depressive thoughts.

The person making the claim has gnashed her teeth to the extent of causing them to fracture... She lacks belief in herself and, occasionally, has experienced thoughts of ending her life and has surpassed the recommended quantity of medication.

She constantly thinks about feeling ashamed and blaming herself, even though she knows that the abuse was not her fault. Unfortunately, she is unable to let go of these feelings.

Mrs. Justice Tipples granted the victim an amount of nearly £8,000 to cover expenses of intricate psychological treatment and therapy. She stated that an additional £381,000 from the compensation was solely given to compensate for the victim's loss in earnings.

I am content that the person who made the claim has not been able to secure any significant job opportunities during their lifetime due to the severe impact of the sexual abuse that they experienced from the accused when they were a child.

She had an impaired education and endured significant mental harm that will affect her for the remainder of her existence.

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