Ricardo contributes to Spain’s environmental transition | Launches new Madrid office


Spain is currently in a pivotal moment when it comes to shifting towards more environmentally-friendly practices in areas like energy, transportation, water management, and waste disposal. The country aims to lead the way in sustainable innovation within Europe and on a global scale.

We are dedicated to expanding our team in the country in order to provide our comprehensive sustainability solutions, which are strategically located at the meeting point of the mobility, energy, and environmental discussions.

To celebrate the opening of our new office, Lorenzo Casullo, a Director who works in Madrid, shared that Spain is moving towards a more eco-friendly economic and social system. He mentioned that we will keep supporting both local and international companies as they strive to create more sustainable products and ways of living. This includes manufacturers, those in charge of infrastructure, and new innovative businesses. Graham Ritchie, our CEO, also highlighted our team's reputation for tackling complex issues across different fields and providing effective solutions for our clients.

This is where our experience advising European and international clients is valuable. Many technological solutions to enhance environmental sustainability are already accessible, and our technical specialists have contributed to the creation of numerous of these solutions. Yet, the delayed enforcement of important regulations and financial strategies is hindering advancements.

As we collaborate with the European Commission and other lawmakers, we are influencing the laws that support creativity and eco-friendliness. For instance, our team at Ricardo gave guidance to the European Commission during their update of regulations like the Industrial Emissions Directive to complete the enactment of the Green Deal. Read more about this in the Spanish article linked here.

Our team is currently working on putting important tools in place to help bring about change. For example, we are helping to establish the first European SAF Clearing House, which will serve as a central hub for new sustainable aviation fuels in Europe. This will speed up the process of testing and certifying the sustainability of these fuels in order to reduce carbon emissions in the aviation industry. Additionally, we are assisting chemical companies in creating products that prioritize safety and sustainability. Our goal is to encourage the development of a circular economy with lower carbon emissions and less environmental risk.

At our office opening event, our experienced professionals and important clients talked about the difficulties the Spanish economy is encountering in reducing carbon emissions in ground, air, and sea transportation; government regulations and the demands of the market in light of climate change and limited water resources; how energy is distributed, stored, and used efficiently; the shift towards more environmentally friendly production in the European Union; and certifications for railways. These are all areas where Ricardo is already assisting clients around the globe.

After talking to more than 50 top organizations in Spain recently, we have a deeper understanding of their needs. We are prepared to increase our assistance to Spanish businesses and groups in various industries who are worried about the effects of European, national, and local rules concerning air quality, transportation emissions, and industrial emissions. Our goal is to help them stay competitive in a eco-friendly economy, while also generating jobs and opportunities tied to the shift toward sustainability.

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