Rosie Duffield quits Labour with damning attack on Keir Starmer

Rosie Duffield

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Rosie Duffield has resigned from her position as a Labour MP, criticizing Sir Keir Starmer's "harsh and unwarranted policies" and the controversy over free perks that’s affecting the party.

Rosie Duffield - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

The MP for Canterbury, who has been a vocal critic of Sir Keir for many years, will now serve as an independent after stepping down from the Labour party with immediate effect.

In a scathing resignation letter, Ms. Duffield criticized Sir Keir for accepting over £100,000 in clothing, eyewear, and lodging from Labour peer Waheed Alli.

She criticized the prime minister's choice to keep the two-child benefit limit while eliminating winter fuel payments for countless senior citizens.

Ms. Duffield has often expressed her concerns regarding Sir Keir and the party's current path. In response to her comments, the Labour leader has previously advocated for understanding and acceptance in the discussion surrounding transgender issues.

In her letter featured in The Sunday Times, Ms. Duffield expressed that the levels of corruption, favoritism, and greed are unprecedented.

“I feel a deep sense of embarrassment over the actions of you and your close associates that have damaged and brought shame to our party, which used to hold such pride.”

Reflecting on the policy decisions made since Labour took office, she remarked: “A person with considerably greater wealth deciding to maintain the Conservatives' two-child cap on benefits, which keeps children in poverty, while strangely accepting lavish gifts like high-end suits and glasses that cost more than what many can even comprehend — this is not someone who deserves to be called Labour’s prime minister.”

She remarked, “Pushing for a vote on the winter fuel payment puts many older individuals at risk of becoming sicker and colder, while you and your preferred colleagues take free family vacations to events that most people would need to save a lot for. Don’t you feel even a little bit embarrassed by this?”

Sir Keir has faced significant criticism regarding contributions from Lord Alli. It came to light on Saturday that he had received an additional £16,000 from the well-known Labour supporter.

There have been demands for an inquiry into the situation, with the SNP urging the standards commissioner of the House of Commons to look into it. This controversy has been nicknamed "passes for glasses" following concerns about who authorized a Downing Street pass for Lord Alli after Labour's victory in the general election.

Sir Keir also took advantage of Lord Alli’s £18 million penthouse apartment at no cost during the general election campaign. He explained that it was a way to provide his son with a quiet place to prepare for his GCSEs.

In July, Rachel Reeves stated that starting this year, older individuals who do not qualify for pension credits or any other means-tested assistance will no longer be eligible for winter fuel payments.

The choice was made as part of a range of budget reductions aimed at tackling a significant deficit in the public finances that was left by the former Conservative administration, which the chancellor revealed in July.

However, the decision, which will impact approximately 10 million retirees, has generated outrage among backbench lawmakers, including Ms. Duffield, who has been vocal in her opposition to it.

In her critical resignation letter, Ms. Duffield expressed: "Prime Minister, your management style, focus on technical details, and absence of fundamental political insight have backfired on our party. We have put in a tremendous amount of effort, made numerous promises, and endured a lengthy 14-year wait to earn the public's trust to return to power."

"I'm at a loss for words to express just how upset my colleagues and I feel about your complete failure to grasp the impression you’ve created of us."

Ms. Duffield is a friend of writer JK Rowling, who supported her during a controversy regarding her views on women's and transgender rights.

She had earlier claimed that the Labour Party was dismissive of her opinions regarding the matter.

However, she has refuted claims that her beliefs on gender issues are why she left the party. In an interview with The Sunday Times, she stated, "I just wanted my views on gender to be acknowledged and debated. I believe that the Labour Party has evolved and is now addressing these topics."

A request for comments was made to Labour.

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