Comedian Rob Delaney says he wants to die in same room as his son

Rob Delaney

Comedian and actor Rob Delaney expressed his desire to purchase the house where his son passed away, as he wishes to spend his final moments in the same space.

Rob Delaney - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

In 2018, the American celebrity announced that his young son Henry had passed away at the age of two, following a diagnosis of a brain tumor.

Five months later, the 47-year-old man and his wife Leah shared the exciting news that they were going to have another child, a fourth son.

During a chat on BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs, Delaney, famous for creating and featuring in the popular British TV show Catastrophe, shared that Henry passed away in the very same living room where their youngest son was born.

"We no longer reside there, but when we left, I spoke to the landlord and mentioned, 'Hey, if you decide to sell this property, please inform me first as I'm interested in purchasing it'," the comedian shared.

I want to be able to stay in this room until I'm 81 and pass away peacefully. It holds special significance as the same room where one of my sons died and where my other son was born.

Henry was the first person to find out that the couple was expecting another child.

Describing the significance of informing their deceased son, the actor emphasized: "We wanted him to be aware that his loving family was still thriving and expanding, and that we had someone new to share stories about him with."

Rob Delaney - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

I wasn't sure if there was another small item in the house that he could connect with, no matter where he was in the universe, but he wanted to find out.

When Henry passed away, Delaney said he was clever, amusing, and playful. He also gave a shoutout to the NHS for helping his family during that difficult time.

Originally from Boston in the United States, Delaney revealed that his family has thought about moving away from London, but ultimately decided to stay due to the sentimental attachment to Henry's memories.

"We have remained for many reasons, one of them being my enjoyment of touching the slides at the playground where Henry goes down," he explained.

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"I appreciate running into the nurses who looked after him from time to time. London holds a special place in my heart because of the excellent care he received there, not just from the NHS but also from the friends we made, and even from our children's friends who helped care for them."

London has supported us and looked after us in numerous ways.

The comedian, who was among the initial few to gain a following using social media platform X, has also maintained over twenty years of sobriety after a car accident led him to quit drinking.

Sharing that he had his first experience with alcohol at just 12 years old, he explained that at the time, drinking made him feel "improved, whole, more joyful, and calm".

"There is nothing particularly special about my alcoholism," he mentioned. "It could be as basic as having a history of alcoholism in my family. I ended up developing it as well, and it doesn't discriminate based on your background."

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