Vatican apologises after Pope Francis uses derogatory term for gay men

Pope Francis

The Vatican has issued an apology following the Pope's use of an extremely insulting term towards gay men.

Pope Francis - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

The Vatican released a statement acknowledging recent news articles regarding a private discussion that took place between Pope Francis and the Catholic bishops of Italy's Episcopal Conference (CEI).

He has repeatedly expressed, 'The Church welcomes all, without exception! No one is worthless or unnecessary, all are valued and accepted as they are.'

The Pope did not mean to upset anyone or use homophobic language, and he says sorry to anyone who was offended because of what he said. The words he used were actually something someone else had said and he repeated them without thinking.

During a private meeting with bishops, Francis expressed his belief that seminaries are already overpopulated with individuals he referred to as "frociaggine," which is deemed highly offensive in Italian.

It has been reported that he repeated his stance that homosexual men should not be permitted to enter priesthood.

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As per the political rumor site Dagospia, it has been reported that the comment was articulated on 20th May, during a confidential gathering of the Italian Bishops Conference with the Holy Father.

Il Messaggero, a national newspaper in Rome, reported that a bishop violated his commitment to secrecy by disclosing the blunder that happened the previous week. This is the reason for the situation.

As per the report, the Pope made remarks while participating in a casual question and answer session at the yearly gathering of bishops. The event was graced by over 200 clergymen.

There are people who want to support His Holiness and have claimed that he speaks Spanish as his primary language instead of Italian. As a result, the Pope has made some linguistic errors when communicating in a language other than his first language.

Reports suggest that the 87-year-old individual from Argentina tends to speak in a relaxed and casual manner, making use of slang and even using vulgar language in private conversations.

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Praise has been given to the Pope for guiding the Roman Catholic Church in adopting a friendlier stance towards the LGBT+ population.

When he began his position as pope in 2013, he spoke these words: "I cannot pass judgement on a person who is gay and is seeking God with genuine intentions."

In the previous year, he gave permission for priests to bless couples of the same gender, which resulted in a considerable negative reaction from conservative groups.

However, in the year 2018, he advised the bishops in Italy to review the priesthood candidates thoroughly and decline the admission of anyone who might be suspected of being homosexual.

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A statement released by the Vatican during the term of Benedict XVI in 2005 stated that individuals who had successfully overcome their homosexual tendencies for a minimum period of three years could be accepted into the priesthood.

However, the written record also stated that individuals who possess ingrained homosexual tendencies and those who endorse the homosexual way of life should be prohibited.

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