Danish PM hit by man in Copenhagen street, her office says

Mette Frederiksen

Reports claim that Mette Frederiksen, the Prime Minister of Denmark, was allegedly hit by a man whilst taking a walk in the downtown area of Copenhagen. The incident has reportedly left her feeling surprised and dealing with whiplash symptoms.

The attack occurred at a public square located within the historical district of the city, when an individual approached the political figure and physically assaulted her.

The perpetrator was promptly apprehended, yet there is presently no information regarding the reason behind the attack.

The leader of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, deemed the act as despicable and contradicting the values and principles that Europe upholds and strives for.

Less than a month ago, Slovak PM Robert Fico was shot multiple times while saying hello to his followers. He managed to survive the attack and has been through surgery since. Another European leader was also attacked recently.

Marie Adrian and Anna Ravn, who were present during the Copenhagen incident, shared their account of what happened with the local newspaper BT. According to them, a man walked towards them and forcefully pushed the woman's shoulder, which resulted in her falling to the ground.

According to reports, the prime minister made a forceful attempt, but unfortunately, she did not manage to land on the ground successfully. Instead, she took a moment to recuperate at a nearby café.

Mette Frederiksen's team reported that the occurrence had left the politician "very surprised" and that she was experiencing "minor neck strain".

On Saturday afternoon, a 39-year-old male individual will attend a hearing at the Frederiksberg Courthouse regarding the occurrence.

The assault occurred just before the EU election in Denmark, which is scheduled to take place in two days.

Earlier, Ms. Frederiksen, who is the chief of Denmark's Social Democrats, was part of a Europe-wide election function alongside her party's main hopeful, Christel Schaldemose.

The main political party in Denmark's coalition government is the Social Democrats. While they remain in the lead according to surveys, their backing has decreased considerably in the past few months.

The Environment Minister of Denmark, Magnus Heunicke, expressed on X that Mette was greatly taken aback by the assault. He emphasized that it was a disturbing incident for everyone who is acquainted with her.

On a certain day, the leader of the EU named Charles Michel expressed his strong feelings of anger by saying he was "outraged".

He expressed his strong disapproval towards the cowardly act of aggression.

At the age of 46, Ms Frederiksen took on the role of prime minister in 2019. Prior to this, she had already been leading the centre-left Social Democrats for four years. Her appointment as prime minister made her the youngest person to ever hold this position in Denmark.

Shortly afterwards, she got caught up in a conflict with the former leader of the United States, Donald Trump, when she rejected his proposal to acquire Greenland.

After being called out for suggesting a land deal, Ms. Harris rejected the idea by calling it "ridiculous," to which Mr. Trump responded by calling her "unpleasant".

Ms Frederiksen faced severe condemnation in 2022 from a committee that examined the ruling made by her administration to eradicate millions of mink throughout the Covid epidemic.

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