Netflix's Leave the World Behind, explained by its director

Leave the World Behind

In my opinion, the portrayal of the characters' experiences in the story seemed fitting, as much of it revolved around the idea of our reliance on technology. It made me reflect on the current state of society, where technology has caused division and created isolated communities. But when our access to technology is taken away, what remains? Do the divisions and biases still exist? Are there still barriers that separate us from one another?

The blog section suggests a possible romantic storyline between Amanda, played by Julia Roberts, and G.H., played by Mahershala Ali. It seems this aspect was not in the original source material.

In my opinion, isolating characters in a specific location during a crisis can make them feel extremely vulnerable and expose sides of themselves they may not have shown before due to the overall uncertainty of the situation. The connection between two characters in this scenario is not necessarily driven by romantic feelings, but rather a desperate need to connect with someone during such a terrifying and hopeless time.

Talking about a particular moment, describing how it felt to film Julia Roberts and Myha'la shouting at a group of computer-generated deer. Essentially, they were screaming into thin air.

Shooting the scene was a piece of cake for me [laughs]. My task was just to set up the camera and let it do the job. However, I must admit that the actors, including Julia Roberts and Myha'la, were absolutely brilliant. Even though we couldn't have real deer in the woods, they managed to portray the fear and tension of the scene perfectly. They really gave it their all!

What do you see in the symbol of deer? I am curious if they have more of a figurative meaning or...

I often express my disdain for the plot. People don't always prioritize rationality. It's the emotional authenticity and atmosphere that matter, and this movie emits a creepy vibe. The deer in the story were already present, but I added more details to enhance its powerful visual impact.

I could discuss using figures of speech to convey their symbolism for nature and how they caution us about our disregard for it due to technology. Nevertheless, the eerie atmosphere of the situation also speaks for itself.

Regarding the topic of horrifying situations, was it necessary for you to obtain permission from Tesla for the depiction of the Tesla car accident?

Hmm, I doubt they would object. I jot down my thoughts and film them with the hope that no one intervenes. Luckily, I haven't received any opposition thus far.

Are you not expecting Elon Musk to post a tweet at some stage?

Well, you know, I am open to having a discussion [Laughs].

What was the source of inspiration for creating the cargo vessel?

In my opinion, a disaster movie that is well-made can make you ponder about your actions if you were in that situation. I recall contemplating what I would do if a colossal ship that moves slowly was approaching me while I was at the beach. I wondered at which point I would become scared. It's a combination of terror and amusement that is both intriguing and amusing. This scene caught my attention as a fascinating and noteworthy part of the film.

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