Leave The World Behind ending explained

Leave the World Behind

If you're searching for an intense and thrilling end-of-the-world movie to enjoy on Netflix over the weekend, don't miss out on adding Leave The World Behind to your must-watch list.

Leave the World Behind - Figure 1
Photo cosmopolitan.com

The TV series features famous actors like Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke, and Mahershala Ali. It tells the story of two families who are forced to unite due to a terrifying disaster that keeps getting worse, causing the world to crumble around them.

Therefore, did Amanda and George along with their respective families manage to survive? Prepare yourself for the conclusion of Leave The World Behind which will now be revealed.

"Archie Falls Ill, And Rose Disappears"

As soon as Amanda and Archie woke up, Amanda inquired about his well-being since he had fallen sick the night before. In response, Archie started coughing up blood and his teeth started dropping out.

He believes that getting bitten by a tick the previous day is the reason. George proposes paying a visit to his acquaintance, Danny, who might have the solution.

Subsequently, Clay made a comeback and reported the inability to locate Rose, as she wasn't present in the abode that day. The family started to experience worry and unease, especially with Archie feeling unwell. George voiced his willingness to accompany them in search of assistance.

However, Ruth demands that he remains, and he assures her that he will be back within 60 minutes.

Leave the World Behind - Figure 2
Photo cosmopolitan.com

"George Seek Aid From Danny"

George and Clay seek assistance from Danny at his residence, but he denies them and instructs them to fend for themselves and depart from his premises, while holding a firearm.

Next, George brandishes his firearm and both parties start making threats to shoot each other. Clay intervenes and implores Danny to assist him.

At the same time, over by the forest cottage adjacent to the residence, Amanda and Ruth find themselves encircled by a large number of deer and begin to shriek in order to frighten them off. After a while, their plan proves successful.

At last, Danny provides medication to Archie and informs them that Korea or China might be responsible for the ongoing situation. He suggests heading to the shelter in their adjoining land. Hearing this, George shares that he has figured out the reason for the events.

George Predicts A Coup Is Nearing

According to George, it's a good idea to head to the bunker Danny pointed out. He works in the defence industry and suspects that a foreign power is planning a civil war or coup soon.

In his opinion, they have reached the final phase of the assault, where the rest of the group is focusing on disrupting communication, circulating false information (like the flyers that were dropped from the plane), and emitting loud, piercing noises.

Leave the World Behind - Figure 3
Photo cosmopolitan.com

He now predicts that individuals will soon start fighting against each other and there will be a civil war, causing the complete disintegration of the nation. "The person who initiated this wants us to bring it to an end," he incorporates before departing from the scene.

"Bombing In New York"

Ruth and Amanda were in the forest, where they have frightened the deer. Ruth shared her intuition with Amanda that the creatures might be indicating the arrival of a harmful situation.

Later, Amanda discovers the property adjacent to hers where she believes Rose may be located. To her surprise, Ruth is standing motionless and terrified.

Before long, it becomes clear to us that Ruth is gazing at a New York City skyline that is under attack from bombs while also hearing gunfire in the distance.

Next, it appears that Rose decided to visit her neighbour's place and indulge in a large amount of unhealthy food. While there, she heard her mother calling out to her, but she ignored the call and continued to explore the neighbour's property. Eventually, she discovered a bunker that was reminiscent of a Doomsday scenario.

We observe on a bunker computer screen a message indicating that The White House has been assaulted by unfamiliar foreign troops and that the amount of radiation is increasing in all places.

In addition, Rose stumbled upon a compact disc of Friends and decided to take a moment to view it. The movie concluded with the sound of the sitcom's music.

Following this, we can confidently deduce that Amanda, Clay, George, and their kids headed towards the nearby bunker. Amanda believed that Rose was present in the house, and George urged everyone to make their way to the bunker immediately.

You can now watch Leave The World Behind on Netflix.

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