Bushey manhunt: Triple murder suspect ‘may have crossbow’ – latest

Kyle Clifford

Authorities are warning the public not to approach murder suspect Kyle Clifford as he may still be carrying a weapon.

Kyle Clifford - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

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Authorities are searching for a man who is suspected of being involved in a triple homicide in Hertfordshire. They are concerned that he may be carrying a crossbow and possibly other weapons that were used in the deadly incident.

Three females, at the ages of 25, 28, and 61, were discovered with severe injuries following a report to authorities at a residence in Bushey on Tuesday night.

Despite the paramedics' best efforts, the women, who are believed to be relatives, passed away at the location on Ashlyn Close shortly after emergency services arrived around 7pm, as stated by Hertfordshire Police.

The police have been looking all night for a 26-year-old man named Kyle Clifford in the Enfield area. They are currently conducting a thorough search in Hertfordshire and north London.

Detective Superintendent Rob Hall urged people to contact the police immediately if they know where he is. If you spot him, do not approach him and call 999 right away. He may still have a weapon.

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Fresh Police Update Released

Here is the complete message from superintendent Jon Simpson at the recent media briefing:

Last night, the police were summoned to a residence in Ashlyn Close just before 7pm. Upon their arrival, officers discovered three women who had sustained severe injuries. They were accompanied by emergency responders from the East of England Ambulance Service.

"We have a lot of police officers spread out in different parts of north London and Bushey, Hertfordshire. The search for the suspect includes armed police and expert search teams moving quickly after a terrible incident. It's thought that a crossbow was used, but there may have been other weapons involved as well."

If anyone spots Kyle Clifford, it is important not to approach him and instead call 999 right away. Kyle, if you are watching or listening to this, please get in touch with the authorities by dialing 999.

In addition to the search operation, a serious investigation into the crime has begun and we are asking the public for any details about what happened. This event is sure to worry the people who live nearby. More police officers will be present in the area today, so please talk to them if you have any concerns.

Kyle Clifford - Figure 2
Photo The Independent

Andy Gregory, on the date of July 10th, in the year 2024 at 12:47.

Help Police By Contacting If Suspect

Kyle Clifford has been advised to reach out to the authorities.

In a straightforward message to the suspect being searched for, superintendent Jon Simpson urged, "Kyle, if you can see or hear this, please get in touch with the police by calling 999."

Andy Gregory July 10, 2024 at 12:43

Police Suspect Other Weapons In Addition To Crossbow

Police have suggested that there may have been different weapons used in the triple murder, not just a crossbow.

During a media briefing, Superintendent Jon Simpson stated: "Our main goal today is to ensure the safety of the public and to find Kyle Clifford, who is being sought in connection with the murder of three women. We believe this incident was deliberate and targeted."

We have a large number of police officers stationed in different parts of north London and the Bushey area of Hertfordshire.

The search for the suspect includes police officers with guns and specialized search teams moving quickly after a terrible incident. It is believed that a crossbow, as well as other weapons, were possibly used in the attack.

Andy Gregory posted on July 10, 2024 at 12:41 pm.

Bushey Triple Murder Victims' Ages Disclosed By Police

During a press briefing, Jon Simpson, a superintendent with Hertfordshire Police, revealed that the victims of the triple homicide were three women, aged 25, 28, and 61.

Andy Gregory wrote a blog post at 12:40 on July 10, 2024.

Neighbor Hears Screams Before Chaos In Ashlyn Close

A person who lives on Ashlyn Close in Bushey, where the police are looking into the killings of three women, said they heard loud cries on Tuesday night during the "extremely distressing" event.

A 46-year-old person, who prefers to remain anonymous but is employed in the media industry, stated: "Around 6.30pm to 7pm last night, I heard what seemed like children or someone screaming. It soon became clear that it was a woman screaming, and within 15 minutes, things became chaotic."

Armed police officers were running around, shouting for people to stay inside their homes. They blocked our area and essentially put us on lockdown.

The person living in the area noted that many ambulances, helicopters, and a large number of police cars arrived swiftly. The armed officers went from one house to another, speaking with residents, asking for any doorbell camera recordings, and advising them to remain inside.

Kyle Clifford - Figure 3
Photo The Independent

The woman expressed her distress and anxiety upon learning that a man wanted in connection with a triple murder is still on the loose. She mentioned how unsettling it is to realize that such a tragic event occurred nearby without anyone being aware or able to intervene.

"It's truly devastating, I believe, for the family and for everyone else affected."

I believe the most difficult part is that the incident occurred during the busiest time for families, between 6pm and 7pm. This is when most people are preparing dinner for their children and getting them ready for bed. We were all gathered in our close-knit community, unaware of the difficult situations that others were facing at that exact moment.

Andy Gregory on July 10, 2024 at 12:31.

Neighbor Is Extremely Surprised

Local resident Jill Phillips, aged 70, expressed her extreme shock when speaking to The Independent.

"We live in a peaceful neighborhood, so it's really surprising to hear about this. I'm feeling disturbed and my heart goes out to the family."

On July 10, 2024 at 12:21 PM, a blog post was published by Oliver Castle in Bushey.

Home Secretary Stays Informed About Investigation

Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, mentioned that she is receiving regular updates on the investigation.

Ms Cooper expressed her deep sorrow over the tragic deaths of three women in Bushey last night. She sends her condolences to the families and friends of the victims, as well as to the local community.

"I am staying informed on this matter. I encourage everyone to provide [Hertsfordshire Police] with any details they may have regarding this situation."

Andy Gregory July 10, 2024 at 12:19

Councillor Denounces Illegal Flytipping Practice

Lawrence Brass, a nearby resident of Bushey, mentioned that he was canvassing for the general election a few days ago and stopped by the home of the people involved in the incident. Although he didn't know them personally, he expressed his sympathy for the situation.

I am confident that their friends will be supporting the surviving family members. These are all my associates, I am familiar with each one of them.

Yesterday night at 7pm, a helicopter landed on the grassy area near my home in the neighborhood. I heard it was an air ambulance, but soon there were talks about a possible crossbow incident.

The most terrible event that has occurred in this area of Bushey was some illegal dumping, and then out of nowhere we have three murders and we are all feeling very shocked and unsettled.

"We live in a peaceful, old-fashioned suburb with lots of greenery. Events like this don't usually happen here, so I want the residents to know that the council will be sending a team to help and reassure them. We will do our best to comfort them and make sure everything is being taken care of."

"We are concerned that this individual may still be out there somewhere."

Andy Gregory wrote a blog on July 10, 2024 at 12:17.

Friendly Family According To Neighbor

One local resident, who wished to remain anonymous, mentioned that she didn't have a close relationship with the victims, but found them to be a pleasant family.

"We used to see them walking by every day and exchanging greetings in the morning," she explained. "The recent events have been incredibly tragic and surprising."

Andy Gregory posted on July 10, 2024 at 11:36.

Met Police Helping With Inquiry

The Metropolitan Police has stated that they are helping Hertsfordshire Police with their inquiry into the alleged triple homicide in Bushey.

Kyle Clifford, who is a suspect, is from the Enfield region. Authorities have indicated that they think he may be in Hertfordshire or northern London.

Andy Gregory wrote a blog post on July 10, 2024 at 11:31.

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