General election 2024: Read first Keir Starmer speech and key messages of Labour campaign to ‘turn the page’

Keir Starmer

This evening, the leader of the government has at last declared the upcoming National Vote.

This is a significant moment that our nation has been eagerly anticipating. It's a moment that will restore your power through the strength of our democratic values.

An opportunity for a positive transformation. The days ahead. The locality where you reside. Your nation.

I'm confident that this campaign will seem lengthy. Nevertheless, the central focus of this election is the chance for transformation, regardless of other factors.

In the past four years, we have transformed the Labour Party, restoring its focus to benefit the working class.

We humbly request that our country is given the same level of attention. Our aim is to bring Britain back to serving the needs of the working class. This is our ultimate goal.

We provide three justifications for why you ought to make a difference in the UK by supporting the Labour party.

There is one reason why we need to put an end to the chaos.

Take a moment to observe our nation. Our rivers are being contaminated by sewage. Hospital patients are lingering on gurneys in emergency departments. Criminals are getting away with their offenses. The cost of housing and nourishment is exorbitant.

Everything that's happening now is all caused by the confusion and disorder of the Conservative Party in Westminster.

Again and again, they prioritize their own desires instead of addressing the problems that impact your loved ones.

If they are granted an additional five-year term, they will believe that it is their right to continue behaving in the same manner. There will be no alteration in their conduct.

When you cast your vote for the Labour Party, you are ultimately supporting a steady and secure economy and government. Labour's political approach is more gentle and considerate towards the impact it has on our daily lives. It's a vote that opposes disorder and confusion.

I choose two as it's the right time for a shift.

We propose a plan to rejuvenate our economy and our political system simultaneously.

In order to ensure that they cater to the needs of laborers once more.

We completely oppose the belief of the Conservative party that financial power is inherently bestowed upon the individuals in higher positions.

During the last 14 years, despite the various difficulties we encountered, holding onto this concept has resulted in our nation being vulnerable, unsafe, and incapable of unleashing the possibilities of each neighborhood.

By casting your ballot in favor of Labour, you're essentially signaling a desire to move beyond the current state of affairs. It's a vote of confidence for something new.

Lastly, we have included three points as we have a comprehensive strategy to reconstruct the United Kingdom. Our scheme is well-prepared for implementation, has a complete assessment of expenses, and the necessary funds to support it.

We have the ability to provide financial security, reduce the amount of time people have to wait for healthcare in the NHS, and ensure our borders are protected by implementing a New Border Security Command.

Take advantage of the energy provided by Great Britain to permanently reduce your expenses. Address unacceptable behavior.

Find the appropriate educators for your child's educational setting.

However, above all, we carry out these actions with a fresh attitude of serving others.

The priority should always be given to the country over political parties.

I am very certain that the Tories and SNP will reject any superficial displays of political gestures during this campaign.

I am fully conscious of the skepticism that individuals currently harbor towards politicians.

However, I entered the field of politics at a relatively advanced age, after fulfilling my duty to our nation as the head of the Crown Prosecution Service.

I assisted the law enforcement agency in Northern Ireland to obtain agreement from every community.

The sole cause for me to appeal for your vote and stand in front of you at this moment is my dedication to serving our nation.

I am of the opinion that by being patient, persistent, and dedicated to serving others, we have the ability to uncover an abundance of pride and potential throughout our nation.

Therefore, the responsibility of shaping the future of your country lies in your hands.

You have a decision to make on July 4th. If we team up, we have the ability to put an end to the disorder.

We have the ability to move forward and initiate the process of reconstructing Britain. It's time to transform our nation.

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