Reform UK candidate apologises for comments suggesting UK should have stayed neutral during Second World War

Ian Gribbin

A candidate from Reform UK has said sorry for an ancient online message where they suggested that it would have been better for Britain to accept Hitler's proposal of neutrality rather than battling against the Nazis during World War II.

Ian Gribbin - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

Ian Gribbin, who is running for the East Sussex seat of Bexhill and Battle, expressed his regrets and completely retracts the remarks without any hesitation in an interview with Sky News.

He expressed his disappointment regarding the fact that his words were misunderstood and not interpreted accurately. He mentioned that his mother's ancestry can be traced back to Russian Jewish individuals who migrated elsewhere due to ill-treatment.

The most recent update on the General Election shows that both the Conservative and Labour parties have decreased in popularity following the D-Day anniversary.

Mr. Gribbin expressed regret for his previous statements and retracts them completely. He also apologizes for any distress the remarks may have caused.

I feel frustrated that these remarks were misinterpreted, particularly considering that my mom's ancestry traces back to Russian Jews who fled oppression.

According to the BBC, Mr. Gribbin wrote on the UnHerd website back in 2022 that Britain should have accepted Hitler's proposal for neutrality during World War II.

According to the article viewed by Sky News, it was suggested that if Britain had accepted Hitler's proposal of neutrality, it would currently be in a superior condition. However, the writer believes that Britain is primarily concerned with abstract ideals of global ethics instead of prioritizing the well-being of its citizens.

He wrote in another blog post during the same year that women are the "freeloading sex".

When questioned about the feedback, Nigel Farage, the leader of Reform UK, stated that they didn't have enough time to thoroughly assess their candidates.

He said that selection disputes would affect all parties as they had to choose candidates quickly after the election was announced.

In his statement, Mr Farage commented that the Green Party is facing a significant issue as they have had to take action against 20 of their candidates due to the dissemination of very unpleasant and discriminatory tweets that were targeted towards the Jewish community.

Ian Gribbin - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

"I believe every political group will face consequences due to the sudden election. Although we had a thorough screening process ready, we couldn't complete it on time."

The chairman of the party, Richard Tice, expressed his satisfaction with all of the candidates. However, if someone acts inappropriately or says something foolish, the party will investigate the matter thoroughly. This is our standard procedure.

It is extremely surprising to witness such a substantial failure in the ability to make sound decisions.

According to Johnny Mercer, the minister for Veterans, Mr. Gribbin's remarks were "disgraceful" and demonstrate a "disturbing absence of discernment."

The person with conservative beliefs stated that these statements fail to recognize the numerous casualties caused by the Nazis in their quest for dominance in Europe, as well as the ultimate price paid by those who stood up against Hitler in our most difficult time.

Using appeasement to defend the actions of the Nazis is shameful and it is concerning to hear such statements from a political group.

Beforehand, a representative for Reform UK criticized the media's coverage of the matter, stating to Sky News: " Many individuals who are encountering difficulty desire reporters to address matters related to policy and concepts, not frivolous identity politics aimed at undermining others."

The unexpected election resulted in cutbacks for screening candidates, but once the election is over, these concerns will be tackled. However, it's essential for media outlets like the BBC to act more maturely and have meaningful discussions with the party leaders.

A spokesperson gave another statement to the BBC after the previous one. In the second statement, the spokesperson explained that Mr. Gribbin's comment on Hitler wasn't an approval, but rather a neglected fact. Similarly, the comment on women was meant to be humorous and not to be taken seriously.

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The BBC has engaged in offense archaeology and uncovered that Mr Gribbin has made several remarks regarding various topics.

The written pieces were created to consider unpleasant viewpoints and realities. However, this does not mean that they are being advocated for. They just serve as points for discussions that may occur in far-reaching conversations.

Many people in the UK during the 1930s held the same views as him regarding what actions the country could have taken. Even the BBC of that time supported this perspective. It is likely that what he believes is accurate.

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Once more, I am not giving my approval, but simply reminding everyone of facts that have been disregarded.

When it comes to the topic of feminism, he is being sarcastic and joking so much that it should be easy to recognize that he doesn't really mean what he's saying from quite a distance away.

A disagreement arose when Reform UK revealed their plan for the economy in Westminster.

One of the proposals is to increase the income tax exemption limit to £20,000, which would cost £40 billion. The funds will come from restructuring the Bank of England.

Here is a comprehensive roster of individuals running for the Bexhill and Battle constituency.

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