Gordon Ramsay shaken after 'really bad' cycling accident

Gordon Ramsay

Be advised: This piece includes pictures that might cause concern or discomfort to certain individuals.

Chef Gordon Ramsay was left feeling disturbed by a severe cycling mishap he encountered while in the US.

He shared a clip on his social media where he raised his chef's clothes to reveal large bruises in purple shade on his body that led him to visit a hospital for medical care.

Speaking to all fathers before the upcoming Father's Day this Sunday, the famous chef from Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen emphasized the significance of helmets when riding.

He stated that the length of the journey does not matter to him, and emphasized that it is crucial to wear helmets, especially when cycling with kids.

On the occasion of Father's Day, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all the fathers out there. However, I urge you to prioritize your safety and wear a helmet while riding. Trust me, I speak from experience. If I hadn't worn a helmet, I might not have been alive today.

He posted a photo on his Instagram that displayed the difference between his helmet's condition before and after sustaining significant damage.

Earlier this week, according to the chef, an incident occurred in Connecticut.

The individual who is currently 57-years-old expressed gratitude towards the trauma physicians and medical staff of Lawrence and Memorial Hospital located in the state where he received attentive care.

He explained that he didn't "fracture any bones or experience any significant harm," but he did have "some bruises and resembled a purple potato."

"I'm experiencing discomfort. The past week has been incredibly challenging. However, I'm managing to cope," Ramsay expressed.

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