General Election 2024 - Preston City Council

General election 2024

The national vote for the next General Election is scheduled for the 4th of July in the year 2024.

Preston holds significant power during the General Election; however, particular regions within Preston exercise their voting privileges under distinct governing bodies.

People living in the mentioned areas will cast their votes for the Ribble Valley Constituency. Specifically, the wards are:

Which Candidates Are On The Ballot?

Soon, packs with information on how to become a candidate for the General Election will be released.

When Is The Right Time To Register To Vote?

Kindly sign up at the earliest opportunity. If you have already enrolled, please refrain from enrolling again.

If you aren't currently registered, you can submit your application electronically through the official website Register to Vote found on GOV.UK.

You have until Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 to register yourself to vote for the upcoming General Election.

"Voting 101: A Simple Guide"

You are allowed to cast your vote at the polling station and will receive a card indicating the location and date of the election beforehand.

It's important that you bring your identification along with you. In the event that you don't have any identification on hand to display to the staff at the polling station, it's possible to request a Voter Authority Certificate.

The last date to request for a Voter Authority Certificate is at 5pm on Wednesday, June 26th in 2024.

In case you wish to vote via mail during the upcoming elections, it's recommended to make your application as soon as possible to ensure you get your voting papers well in advance.

You need to apply by 5 pm on Wednesday 19th June 2024 to be eligible to vote by post for the General Election.

To vote by mail, you can submit an application through the GOV.UK website. Be sure to include your national insurance number in the application. Additional details on how to participate in the voting process can be found on our website's voting guide.

There are going to be two shipments of postal ballot papers sent out, with the second one taking place closer to the election. If you submit your application in advance, your ballot papers may be sent out with the first shipment.

You can find additional details regarding various methods of voting on our page that explains how to cast your vote.

The majority of individuals are expected to possess identification already. You can view the complete inventory of acceptable identification here:

You only have to display a single type of photo identification. It must be the authentic version and not a duplicated copy. Additional details can be found on our webpage dedicated to voter identification for elections.

If your photo ID appears to be you, you can utilize it even if it's no longer current. It is necessary to ensure that the name on your ID matches the name you enrolled with for voting.

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