UK general election 2024 live: Leaders make their election pitches as 4 July campaign begins - BBC News

General election 2024

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Revised by Johanna Chisholm and Owen Amos

times. The featured blog is written in British English. The stated times will be according to the United Kingdom time zone. The highlighted blog post is composed in the Queen's English.

Starmer Finally Welcomes Election

Expanding on the message from the prior day - wherein he proclaimed the election to be the "culmination of the nation's anticipation" - Starmer affirms "finally, an election has been declared".

According to him, voters can seize the opportunity to "improve our country, community, and their own future."

New Chapter For Starmer: Time To Move On

Currently, we possess a statement from Keir Starmer, the head of the Labour party, who is present in Gillingham.

He states that this election is dedicated to the people, as they have been given the opportunity and authority to bring an end to the disorder and start anew in rebuilding the nation of Britain.

According to him, the actions of the Tories towards the nation are unacceptable, and citizens should not tolerate it.

Blackford: SNP Defends Scotland

The topic of discussion this morning has been centered around Rishi Sunak. However, we were previously informed about the Scottish National Party - just as a quick reminder, this political party has a total of 43 seats in the House of Commons.

In the BBC's Today programme, Ian Blackford, the past SNP leader in Westminster, expressed his desire for the removal of the Conservative government. He mentioned that it was a collective view shared by many.

When questioned about the reasons for picking SNP instead of Labour, Blackford emphasized that Scottish constituents require elected representatives "who will fight for Scotland".

Someone asked Blackford why individuals should vote for the Scottish National Party (SNP) given the recent complications, including the expulsion of Humza Yousaf, which was disorganized, and the indictment of Peter Murrell, the ex-First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's spouse, for misappropriation charges.

Blackford highlighted the SNP's achievement in the Scottish elections, but emphasized the importance of presenting compelling reasons for the public to maintain their trust in the party.

Sunak's Houdini-like Escape Act Required

A journalist who covers politics, currently writing from Derbyshire.

Greetings from Derbyshire! I'm currently accompanying Rishi Sunak as he begins his first day of campaigning.

The Prime Minister is starting his campaign with a lot to do in the next few days. He'll be visiting all four nations of the UK in a brief tour.

One of his perks is that the PM had the opportunity to decide on the election date. Consequently, he had an advantageous position in making preliminary arrangements for the initial 2 days of the campaign.

This opportunity allows him to take control of the situation - or at least make an attempt. However, Sunak is aware that he is facing a difficult task ahead.

The Conservative party is significantly trailing in opinion polls. This has been the case for quite some time. Additionally, the outcomes of the recent local elections held at the beginning of May seem to lend support to the notion that the Conservatives are facing difficulties in various regions of the country.

What is the Prime Minister's strategy for changing the situation?

Anticipate hearing him reiterate that the strategy is beginning to take effect. Take note of the decrease in inflation, he will declare. He will try to convince you that the financial situation is improving.

He will discuss the topic of national security and his commitment to raising the expenditure on defense to 2.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Anticipate the prime minister to present a multitude of differences. He will proclaim his intentions while questioning your familiarity and reliance on the plans formulated by the Labour Party.

However, it must be clear that Rishi Sunak has a significant challenge ahead if he wants to become the prime minister on July 5th. He will have to perform a miraculous escape maneuver that could match the skills of Houdini.

"Farage: It's Not Time Yet"

Here are some statements made by Nigel Farage, who used to lead the UKIP and Brexit Party, explaining why he will not attempt to become a Member of Parliament for Reform UK.

He mentions that he will contribute to the campaign in his own way, but at present, he is not willing to participate beyond that.

Reform claims that they are focusing on both Labour and the Conservatives. However, results from recent by-elections indicate that the Conservatives may be more vulnerable to the rebranded Brexit Party.

Their poll numbers are similar to the Liberal Democrats, both hovering at approximately 10%. They assert that they will have ample candidates to run in every constituency. The race between these two parties is too close to call.

Nigel Farage Won't Run In Election, Confirms Himself

The creator and respected leader of Reform UK, Nigel Farage, has made it publicly known that he will not participate as a nominee in the upcoming general election.

There were some guesses that he might be introduced as a nominee by the head of Reform, Richard Tice, during an event happening this morning.

He has consistently stated that he will not contest for an eighth time to become a Member of Parliament in Westminster using the current electoral system based on first-past-the-post.

However, his choice will bring comfort to Rishi Sunak and somewhat to Keir Starmer.

'Change' Is Labour's New Slogan For Campaign

A reporter who covers political news is reporting from the county of Kent.

There are stacks of Labour signs in Kent that are all set for Sir Keir Starmer's launch event later today.

It's no surprise that this term will be frequently used in the upcoming weeks. However, voters may inquire about the specifics of this change. What is the current situation and what are the proposed alterations?

Labour Starts Campaign On Football Field

A journalist covering political news, currently stationed in the county of Kent.

People who are active in political causes are beginning to come together in Kent in preparation for the launch of a campaign by the Labour party.

I'm curious whether Sir Keir Starmer's passion for football will be a recurring theme throughout the campaign.

In July, he will have high expectations of performing more effectively than his adored Arsenal football club, who narrowly missed the top spot.

Big Tale Ahead!

Only a couple of hours into the election campaign and a significant news item has already arisen.

During separate interviews with Breakfast and the Today programme, Rishi Sunak confirmed that a scheduled flight to Rwanda would not commence until after the election.

On the contrary, he mentioned that a flight has the possibility to depart in July, but on the condition that the Conservatives gain victory in the upcoming election.

It's possible that the decision to hold a summer election was influenced by this factor. If the election had taken place later, there would have been ample time for the Rwanda program to demonstrate whether or not it was effective.

It's important to note that this implies that even though this has been a top immigration policy for three prime ministers and four home secretaries over the span of two years, there's a reasonable chance that a flight to Rwanda may never happen.

Sunak: No Rwanda Flights Before 4 July Election

During Rishi Sunak's morning interviews with the BBC, he was questioned about the timeline for the initial flights to Rwanda, which will transport individuals who have crossed the English Channel on small vessels.

He kept mentioning the month of "July". To jog your memory, the election is scheduled for Thursday the 4th of July.

Sunak was questioned on LBC and admitted that the removal of policies will occur "subsequent to the election".

"If I win the election, I will ensure that flights are discontinued," he declared.

When asked about the timing, he responded, "Not before the election. We have already done the necessary preparation work."

Not A Fair-weather Politician, Despite The Rain

Finally, Sunak is questioned about the choice to reveal the election date amidst a downpour yesterday.

In simpler terms, Sunak acknowledges that the weather was not great but emphasizes that he is not someone who only shows up when conditions are favorable. He values the customs and heritage of our nation.

According to him, it was appropriate to give the speech on Downing Street regardless of the weather conditions.

I have a deep conviction in upholding the customs of our nation. Furthermore, it is customary for prime ministers to deliver vital declarations outside of Downing Street, be it under sunny skies or amidst inclement weather.

"I have faith in those customs, which is why I acted in the manner that I did."

Will Sunak Campaign On Tories' 14-year Record?

Robinson is currently questioning whether Sunak or the entire Tory party should be subjected to scrutiny after a prolonged 14-year leadership. Is it reasonable to grant the Tories another opportunity?

Sunak expressed his satisfaction in concentrating on the previous fourteen years by accusing the prior Labour government of causing financial ruin to the economy.

According to him, the Conservative Party aided in the mending of the economy, improved the education system, reduced crime by fifty percent, successfully completed the Brexit process, and raised the allocation for defense spending.

He expresses his satisfaction in the past 14 years of the Conservative government's leadership with pride. However, he emphasizes that the focus should be on what lies ahead and insists that he is the only candidate with the conviction to take decisive measures for the betterment of the nation.

Sunak Emphasizes Campaign's Nature

Robinson is currently questioning Sunak regarding the importance of kindness throughout the campaign. Is it possible for the prime minister to assure that things will not become excessively personal?

Sunak alleges that Keir Starmer has altered his stance on almost all significant matters and lacks a concrete strategy.

"He believes he can casually stroll into Downing Street and not value the opinion of the British citizens," he states.

Sunak shifts his focus to discuss security, emphasizing - as he has previously stated - that he believes it is a crucial topic for the upcoming election.

He highlights his choice to raise military expenses to 2.5% of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

Increased NHS Waitlists: Why?

Robinson is currently pondering the reason as to why the waiting lists for NHS have increased. He proposes that Sunak is hesitant to discuss this matter.

The Prime Minister has expressed his willingness to discuss the NHS and has revealed that he comes from a family with connections to the healthcare system.

Sunak expresses disappointment that the waiting lists have not decreased to the extent he hoped for. However, it is noted that these lists have not decreased in the slightest.

Sunak claims that the Conservative Party is currently on a recruitment drive for more medical professionals such as doctors and nurses. Additionally, they have implemented proposals to prohibit smoking.

He says that a robust economy is necessary for a robust NHS and promises to increase his spending on public services.

Sunak OKs Delay Of Rwanda Flights Until After Election

Robinson is currently questioning Sunak about the possibility of flights to Rwanda departing before July 4th. It appears that Robinson has come to terms with the fact that this won't happen and all Sunak can confirm is that the flights will take off sometime during the month of July.

Sunak emphasizes that his administration has made all the necessary preparations for the program to move forward, which includes recruiting individuals to handle cases, reserving plane tickets, and holding individuals in custody.

Robinson claimed that he is the only European country that has plans to process asylum seekers in third countries and that no other country is pursuing such a strategy.

Sunak vehemently denies these allegations by citing a statement issued by European nations that he believes outrightly specifies the repatriation of illegal migrants to safe countries.

Sending Anyone To Rwanda Before July 4th Poll?

Sunak has been questioned about whether there has been an increase or decrease in illegal migration this year. The Prime Minister has responded stating that there are varying perspectives on the matter.

According to Robinson's statement, the number of individuals who have arrived this year has surpassed all historic records. Sunak adds that much of this increase in numbers can be credited to individuals immigrating from Vietnam. He also mentioned that the influx of individuals from Albania was quite high initially, but has now decreased.

Sunak is questioned about whether he will send any immigrants who cross the Channel to Rwanda prior to the election.

Sunak assures that he has a well-defined strategy and intends to establish the Rwanda initiative promptly.

Sunak States Facts, Compares UK-US

Sunak is being asked to back up his statement that the economy in the UK is growing at a quicker rate than in the United States.

According to Nick Robinson, the growth comparison is not accurate as it is solely based on three months of data, which only accounts for one quarter. Robinson mentions that if we take into consideration a more extended period, the growth comparison would not hold true.

Sunak states that the truth cannot be denied. He admits that the past few years have been challenging, but takes comfort in the fact that the economy is currently prospering at a commendable pace.

Why Is Sunak Pushing For Action Now?

Sunak is once again being questioned by presenter Nick Robinson regarding the "mystery" of why he is implementing the plan now instead of at a later time when he could demonstrate its effectiveness.

Sunak is clarifying that he is not stating that the task is completed twice over and mentions that there are still tasks to be accomplished.

He stated that his main focus was to restore economic security, and he claims to have succeeded.

Sunak's Work Going In Right Direction Despite Tasks Ahead

Today, just like during Breakfast, Sunak commenced with a lighthearted remark about how he was feeling cozy and dry, compared to his previous drenched appearance outside No 10 yesterday.

He was initially questioned about the reason behind hosting an election at this moment.

He responds with a common phrase - the rate of inflation is decreasing and the economy is expanding- yet acknowledges that there is still "unfinished business."

Sunak Set To Address Today Show

We are going to listen to Rishi Sunak's second interview of the day, which will be aired on Radio 4. You can tune in live by clicking on the icon for the Today programme located at the uppermost part of this page. We will be updating you with the important portions of the interview.

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