20 questions with Lauren Hemp

England football

Posted on July 15, 2024 - Read in 5 minutes

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The England striker shares her top anxiety, favorite uplifting tune, and other details in our usual segment.

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Photo England Football

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What is the oldest memory you can remember?

The first memory I can recall is my sister shoving me off a trampoline, causing me to break my arm.

If you had the chance to travel to the past, would you take it? And if so, where would you choose to go?

I absolutely would. I think I might consider traveling back to the time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. I believe it would be a fascinating experience.

What is it that you admire the most about yourself?

That's a tough question. I consider myself to be a highly enthusiastic individual, so when I find something I love to do, I always put my full effort into it.

What is the most significant accomplishment you have achieved?

Taking home the EUROs trophy is a sure win.

What is a behavior you do that you wish you could stop doing?

I struggle with making decisions. I often wish I could be more decisive and just take action. I tend to overthink and wonder about the possibilities of different choices.

Today I want to talk about a topic that is important to me. Let's dive into the conversation about the benefits of practicing mindfulness in our daily lives. Mindfulness is a concept that involves being present in the moment and paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can reduce stress, improve our mental well-being, and enhance our overall quality of life. Take some time each day to practice mindfulness and see the positive impact it can have on your life.

Hemp Vs. Morgan Art Battle

The two female lions compete against each other in an art contest.

England football - Figure 2
Photo England Football

What frustrates you the most?

I care deeply about winning and it upsets me when we fall short.

7) Who has had the most impact on your life?

I would like to express gratitude for my entire family, but my mother in particular. She is a source of inspiration for me. Despite facing numerous challenges, she continues to support and guide me through life.

How do you respond when faced with stress or difficult situations?

I believe I handle situations effectively. When performing in front of large crowds, there is definitely some pressure, but I find that it actually motivates me to perform at my best.

When do you feel most relaxed and comfortable?

When I'm relaxing in front of the television enjoying a cup of tea.

What thoughts do you have while you are resting?

Miscellaneous thoughts. Many of my dreams evolve into terrifying nightmares, where I often find myself fleeing or being pursued by unknown entities. It's definitely not a pleasant experience!

What is the phrase or word that you like the most?

I often think about the saying, "Success comes from putting in effort when natural talent is not utilized." It's a reminder that I always try to hold onto.

What brings back memories of your house?

I have many photos in my house that bring back memories of home. It may sound strange, but I also have a collection of blankets that I love to snuggle under when I'm at home. It brings me back to my childhood.

Do you have any beliefs in superstitions?

I always make pasta bake the night before a game, it's my pre-game ritual.

What brings tears to your eyes?

I can get emotional about anything, even a movie or if someone makes me upset. It's not easy to make me cry, but I also get tears of joy from happy moments.

Which song uplifts your mood?

The song Sweet Caroline makes me think of victories. It's quite popular.

What is the biggest challenge you face?

Moving out of my parents' house at a young age was a significant decision. It required sacrificing being with my family in order to gain independence. In the end, it was one of the most beneficial choices I made, even though it was difficult at first.

What is the place you love the most in the entire world?

I recently visited Croatia and it was a wonderful experience. I would definitely consider returning in the future.

18) What do you consider to be your most important possession?

I feel so happy when I look at all the medals I have won.

What frightens you the most?

Spent a couple of hours attempting to capture a spider recently.

How do you want people to remember you?

As a modest and kind individual. Of course, we have our careers as athletes, but I would prefer to be known for the type of person I am outside of sports, rather than just for my athleticism. Simply put, I strive to be a compassionate and pleasant human being.

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