Celine Dion goes public with her private health struggles: What we've learned so far

Celine Dion

Celine Dion has spoken about the major neurological condition that has changed her life. These revelations were made just before the launch of her documentary, "I Am: Celine Dion."

The upcoming movie will be available on Prime Video starting this June 25. It highlights the challenges faced by the famous Quebec pop singer who has stiff person syndrome, which is a condition that gradually results in muscle stiffness and painful spasms.

The vocalist, who is 56 years old, disclosed her sickness in December of 2022, stating that the uncommon condition hindered her from giving live performances. Consequently, all scheduled tour dates for the following months were called off.

Recently, she has made a comeback to public attention and has been discussing her endeavors to get back on stage. Let's take a closer glimpse at what information has been disclosed thus far.

Her Death Was Falsely Reported And It Troubled Her

Dion expressed her desire to create a documentary about her health struggles. One of the reasons behind this decision is the inaccurate news that spread through social media platforms regarding her passing a few years prior.

As a mother, it was painful for me because my children are at an age where they possess iPads and iPhones. When they saw the news, they told me that people are spreading false news about my death. I shared this experience with CBC's Adrienne Arsenault during our interview that was published on Thursday.

Dion expressed that instructing her kids to not trust everything they perceive or learn from others was a difficult task, as she had to make them aware of the seriousness of her ailment. This was especially challenging because they had already endured the loss of one parent- her husband René Angélil- to cancer in 2016.

She expressed her concern about her children witnessing her undergoing a difficult situation, uncertain of whether she'll survive it.

Dion gave her reasons for welcoming director Irene Taylor into her home for the filming of "I Am: Celine Dion". Her motive was to reveal her positive outlook, and to share her experience in the global arena.

This will be beneficial for myself, my relatives, my offspring - and it's imperative that my supporters receive updates about the situation. This is a serious matter and I am alive and well.

Her Home Has Panic Buttons

Dion informed that her two 13-year-old twin children, Nelson and Eddy, conduct "crisis" practices at their home to prepare for emergencies. Additionally, she revealed that their home is equipped with "panic buttons" as a safety measure.

According to an article published by People magazine on Wednesday, during her episodes, she undergoes severe bodily discomfort and her muscles stiffen to the extent where her sons may have to assist her.

To make certain that the boys are ready, Dion and her physical therapist rehearse an emergency situation every few months.

She mentioned that there are buttons installed in the house that can be used in emergency situations. Additionally, the individuals residing in the house are aware of how to turn me onto my side.

Valium Overdose: Near-Fatal Doses Taken

According to Dion, the signs of her ailment had been present for an extended period of time, and there came a time when she was consuming excessive amounts of Valium to perform during her shows, putting her life in danger.

During a one-on-one conversation with Hoda Kotb from NBC on Tuesday evening, the artist shared that medical professionals recommended diazepam (also known as Valium) to alleviate her spasms prior to being diagnosed with stiff person syndrome in 2022.

Dion started taking larger amounts of medication to enhance her performance and eventually developed a habit of consuming 90 milligrams per day due to her high tolerance.

The consumption of 90 milligrams of Valium may potentially result in death as it could lead to breathing complications. However, the individual mentioned that they developed a tolerance for the drug, starting from 20 milligrams and subsequently increasing to 30 and eventually up to 40. They felt the need to continue consuming the drug at such levels.

To be frank, I had no idea that it had the potential to result in my death.

Dion mentioned that she finally stopped taking the medication with medical assistance because it no longer had an effect on her.

Back To The Stage: Her Promise

Dion mentioned that she has put in considerable effort to return to performing, although she cannot determine the exact timeline yet.

In the May issue of "Vogue France," she shared that her routine includes rigorous, five-day sessions of exercise, bodywork, and vocal training.

According to the magazine, she stated that she has two options. She can either train intensely like an athlete and put in a lot of effort or she could choose to do nothing and call it quits. If she chooses the latter, she would spend her time at home listening to her favorite tunes, singing to herself in front of the mirror.

I have decided to collaborate with a medical team and give my all - both physically and mentally. My ultimate goal is to reach the highest level of performance possible.

The initial publication of this article by The Canadian Press took place on June 13, 2024.

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