Idris Elba urges stronger action on knife crime

Zombie knife

Take a look: Idris Elba urges the authorities to prohibit 'zombie knives'

Authored by Charlotte Gallagher and Noor Nanji

Actor Idris Elba is urging the government to take swift action in prohibiting the sale of weapons known as "zombie" knives and machetes. The aim is to mitigate the rising number of young individuals who are losing their lives due to these weapons.

The performer spoke with the BBC about a proposal to implement a prohibition and emphasized the necessity of expediting the legal process to put it into effect.

He blamed politicians for not prioritizing the matter "appropriately."

On Monday, the Home Office released a statement stating that they are committed to taking further action to ensure the safety of our streets.

According to the blog, there are already prohibitions on zombie and cyclone knives. Additionally, efforts are ongoing to broaden this restriction to encompass machetes that resemble those used by zombies.

Zombie knives are categorized as arms that have "a sharp part, an edge with serrations and symbols or phrases indicating their intended use for aggression".

In 2016, the government incorporated them into the roster of illegal, unacceptable weapons. However, the Labour party has pointed out that there is still a gap in the law that allows these knives to be sold online.

In August of last year, Rishi Sunak revealed his intentions to prohibit an increased number of weapons and grant the police supplementary authority to confiscate machetes and zombie knives. Additionally, this new initiative was created to assist law enforcement with scenarios that are not currently covered by existing regulations.

Cops have been facing difficulty in handling zombie knives that are created to bypass the 2016 definition which mentions that the knives shouldn't have any "pictures or wording... that indicate it's meant for violent acts."

The exact date of implementation for the new legislation is uncertain.

On Monday morning, Elba, who is most famous for his performances in Luther and The Wire, participated in an event held at Parliament Square. The event featured clothing that was laid out to symbolize the individuals who have been fatally stabbed on the streets of the United Kingdom.

The coordinators aim to showcase the significant toll knife crime takes on people as members of Parliament come back to work after the holiday break.

Elba's campaign, Don't Stop Your Future, aims to combat severe violence through collaboration with local communities and popular brands. The event is a noteworthy part of this initiative.

The 51-year-old actor from London spoke up about his belief that he cannot remain silent while young lives are taken through cruel and unfeeling acts of violence.

'Mom's Intuition'

Yemi Hughes, who lost her son Andre Aderemi to a brutal murder in 2016, has expressed her support for Elba's advocacy. Additionally, she has generously offered the attire her son had on when he met his untimely demise.

On a sunny day in Croydon, located in the south of London, Andre was viciously stabbed several times.

Pay attention: The mother of a person who was murdered supports Idris Elba's campaign against knives.

During an interview with BBC's Radio 4 Today show, Ms. Hughes recollected the latest encounter she had with her son.

As soon as he stepped out of the vehicle, I expressed my deep sorrow, saying, "I'm leaving you with a sense of sadness."

I have no idea why I uttered those phrases. Maybe it's because of a mother's intuition, but my child responded with a huge grin and assured me by saying, "Mum, don't fret. I'll be okay. I love you." Then, I hit the road.

Ms. Hughes got a call from a friend's mom saying that there was a stabbing incident in just 20 minutes.

I was able to sense that she was referring to Andre, despite not mentioning his name. Suddenly, a loud and unforgettable scream left her mouth, indicating that she had identified him.

When Ms. Hughes arrived at the location, the ambulances and police had already arrived. She trailed the ambulance to the hospital and received the sad news that her son had passed away.

Ms. Hughes expressed her annoyance due to the ongoing issue of knife crime.

Despite our attempts to speak out, our voices have not been acknowledged. However, the agony and suffering of families who have lost children to senseless violence persist.

The safety of the younger generation is of utmost importance, and we must take immediate action to eliminate the root causes that lead to youth violence.

The Metropolitan Police announces that they will be introducing facial recognition technology in London. The technology uses artificial intelligence to compare live footage of people's faces to a database of wanted suspects, and will be deployed in areas where crime is most likely to occur. The move has been met with criticism from civil liberties groups, who argue that the use of facial recognition is an invasion of privacy and could lead to false identifications. Read more:

. His death was a tragic loss for his family and friends. Andre's life was cut short at a young age, and he will be deeply missed. It is unfortunate that such a young person had his life taken away so soon. We must remember Andre and the impact he had on those around him. It is important to cherish the memories we have of him and hold onto his legacy. May his soul rest in peace.

According to the most recent data provided by the police, between July 2022 and June 2023, about 247 individuals died as a result of knife-related offenses in England and Wales.

The aforementioned statistics do not take into account adolescent individuals such as Alfie Lewis, who was stabbed to death in Leeds during November of the year 2023 nor Harry Pitman, a 16-year-old who lost his life on New Year's Eve in 2023 in the north region of London.

The upcoming crime statistics will contain details regarding their demise.

Picture credit, photo from family

Harry Pitman lost his life while on Primrose Hill located in the city of London.

Elba is set to launch a new single called "Knives Down" to promote his campaign "Don't Stop Your Future."

The song is focused on his annoyance towards the government for their lack of action regarding knife violence according to his perception.

During an interview with a program on Radio 4, he expressed his desire for an increase in funding for organizations that are dedicated to supporting the youth.

Even though he is widely recognized as an actor, Elba has also shared his musical talent and worked together with celebrated artists like Jay-Z and James Blake. His most successful music performance was on Wiley's top track Boasty in 2019, in which he provided guest vocals.

The latest recorded offenses from June 2023 show that knife crime in the Metropolitan Police area is thrice the amount seen in the West Midlands or Greater Manchester. This is a major concern as it highlights the severity of the issue in the specific location.

Knife crime is typically more common among children and young adults whether they are the ones who commit the crime or are the ones affected by it.

Although ethnicity data for victims is not always documented, according to the latest NHS data for the year leading to 2022, Black, Asian, and people from diverse backgrounds were treated for stab wounds at a greater frequency than White patients.

Nonetheless, the underlying causes of this issue remain a topic of continuous discussion among political figures and specialists in juvenile delinquency.

Violent incidents involving knives are undoubtedly associated with gang involvement. Nonetheless, there is debate revolving around the definition of a gang. The police often describe gangs as organized and tightly-knit criminal organizations based on intelligence, while young individuals typically perceive them as informal groups of friends.

Police officers are emphasizing the significant contribution of drugs to the prevalence of gang-related crime. Nowadays, most drug gangs make use of the business model called 'country lines' which involves the enlistment of young individuals. These drug gangs typically operate in locations where a significant portion of the population belongs to non-white ethnic groups.

Several specialists emphasize the significance of social media in fueling conflicts and animosity among factions of youths, which eventually extend from the virtual world to the actual physical environment.

However, there is a consensus that traumatic experiences during childhood, commonly known as "adverse childhood experiences," play a significant role in the youth's inclination towards delinquency.

The Serious Violence Strategy issued by the Home Office has pointed out how abuse, disregard, the criminal behavior of parents, addiction, and being placed under care contribute significantly to the issue of serious violence.

Numerous specialists today recommend taking a "public health" strategy to stop youth crime, due to these aspects. This includes detecting young individuals who are prone to "infection" and devising ways to steer them towards more wholesome habits.

The picture was sourced from PA Media.

Activists argue that the purchase of zombie knives remains too simple.

According to Patrick Green of the Ben Kinsella Trust, it is necessary to take prompt measures to prohibit zombie knives and machetes.

He stated that it's been four months since they were assured that the necessary law to prohibit these weapons would be implemented, but unfortunately, the bill has just begun its infuriatingly sluggish progression through Parliament.

The authorities have proven that they can allocate parliamentary time to speed up bills with urgency, if they believe it is necessary.

Therefore, why aren't they giving the same level of urgency towards implementing a ban on these knives, given that we are aware of their usage in taking away the lives of our youth?

The UK possesses some of the most stringent regulations globally when it comes to addressing knife-related offenses, according to a statement made by a representative from the Home Office.

They stated that hospitalizations for teenagers with severe knife wounds have decreased by 25%, and knife-related offenses have decreased by 7%. They also affirmed that they will take additional measures to ensure the safety of our streets.

That is why we will grant the police more authority to confiscate hazardous weapons and elongate the period of imprisonment for anyone captured with a sharp-edged instrument, by means of the Criminal Justice Bill.

"Further Details Revealed On This Tale"

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