Idris Elba calls for immediate ban on machetes and ‘zombie’ knives

Zombie knife

Idris Elba is urging for swift action to address the issue of youth knife violence. He suggests that machetes and "zombie" knives should be banned immediately, and there needs to be increased funding for programs supporting young people. He emphasizes that we can no longer make excuses or delay taking action.

During an interview with The Guardian on Monday, the actor who starred in Luther and The Wire expressed optimism about society's ability to address the pressing issue at hand. He emphasized the importance of constructive dialogue among a diverse set of stakeholders, including youth service professionals, grieving families, politicians, and law enforcement officials, in finding meaningful solutions.

According to Elba, when people observe us from other parts of the world, they might assume that England has a lenient approach towards knife crimes. However, this is not the case, nor should it be.

He mentioned his desire to establish a team of advisers consisting of grieving family members, individuals who work with young people, and influential community figures. Additionally, he plans to include young, ambitious individuals who can provide insight into the perspectives of their peers. He intends to extend an invitation to the police to reflect on their engagement with diverse communities.

This change won't occur immediately. However, if we take action now and implement our current ideas, we can positively impact a 10-year-old's life until they reach 17, 18, or 19 years old. We have the opportunity to help this individual, and we should seize it.

As a member of society, a parent, a taxpayer, and most importantly, someone who cares deeply about the unnecessary deaths of young people, I am speaking from a place of compassion and concern, rather than as an entertainer.

Although Elba, who is 51 years old, expressed that a multifaceted approach was required, he highlighted the significance of a complete prohibition of zombie knives and comparable weapons as a significant symbolic gesture.

The authorities are aware that weapons such as zombie knives, machetes and swords should not be present in our community. It sends a powerful message to demand their prohibition without delay, indicating that we can no longer accept the harm they cause to our youth.

In 2016, the sale of zombie knives was mostly prohibited and those who broke the law risked going to jail. However, as of April last year, government officials were still discussing the need to address a legal loophole to ensure these weapons were truly banned.

The advancement in creating new laws has been moving at a sluggish pace and there have been a number of well-known cases that have taken place since the promise was made. One of these was the tragic death of Elianne Andam, a schoolgirl who was only 15 years old. She was viciously attacked with what appeared to be a large zombie knife while on her way to school in Croydon, which is located in southern London. A 17-year-old young man has been accused of committing this terrible crime.

As a community, we possess the ability to achieve tasks at a rapid pace through collective effort. Our track record shows that we are capable of accomplishing great things. We have observed bills being introduced and approved in a short amount of time. However, the topic at hand seems to continuously go unnoticed, according to Elba.

Although, he mentioned that it would be simplistic to believe that only creating laws would solve the problem. Apparently, the funding allocated to youth services in England has been reduced dramatically, up to 75% since 2010-11. Elba emphasized the urgency of tackling this matter.

It is important to offer the youth a greater incentive to refrain from carrying a weapon, which entails putting resources towards programs that tackle the underlying problems of violent crime.

Elba, as a part of his initiative Don't Stop Your Future, is launching a new track titled Knives Down in order to promote positivity.

On Monday, he launched his plan with an exhibit in London's Parliament Square. The exhibit featured carefully arranged clothing, each one symbolic of a person who has passed away. This presentation aimed to honor and pay tribute to those who have died. At the same time, it also aimed to draw attention to the magnitude of the issue.

The company called Don't Stop Your Future has made many billboards in different parts of the country to show the danger. These places include London, Leeds, Manchester, and Sheffield.

Between July 2022 and June 2023, there were 247 recorded deaths resulting from knife crime in England and Wales. However, it's important to note that these figures don't account for teenage victims like Alfie Lewis, age 15, who tragically lost his life in a stabbing incident in Leeds in November, or Harry Pitman, age 16, who was killed on New Year's Eve. These young victims will be included in the upcoming figures scheduled to be released.

Elba expressed his strong desire to challenge inaccurate beliefs that link knife violence among young people exclusively to individuals of color living in London. According to him, such misconceptions can lead people to ignore the problem.

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