Phil Spencer all but confirms plans for Xbox portable console


In my opinion, it would be beneficial to possess a portable device.

Microsoft introduced three brand-new Xbox consoles that will soon be available for purchase, during last night's event. Despite previous speculations about the development of a handheld gaming device, Microsoft did not share any information on this topic.

Xbox - Figure 1

After the presentation, Phil Spencer had an interview with IGN where they discussed an Xbox handheld device and the company's focus on catering to players. Although an Xbox handheld device has not been officially confirmed or denied, Spencer expressed his support for the idea by saying, "I believe we should have a device designed for handheld use."

Spencer expressed his enthusiasm about the promising future of our hardware. He highlighted the team's efforts towards introducing various form factors and alternative ways of gaming, which he believes to be groundbreaking. Even though today's topic was solely on games, there will soon be a time where we can reveal more about our overall platform, and we're eagerly looking forward to sharing it with you.

If we delve deeper into the subject matter and discuss any potential upcoming portable gaming device from Xbox, more or less as a theoretical matter, we can question whether it would resemble a Steam Deck that can operate offline or a device that works through cloud computing. Spencer's response indicates that having the capability to play games offline is of great significance.

It seems as though Spencer has basically confirmed the possibility of a portable Xbox gaming device that will allow users to play games without an internet connection. This concept of an Xbox handheld is not a new idea. In fact, as early as 2017, Spencer had previously mentioned that Microsoft had a preliminary design for such a device. Additionally, he has recently made comments and responded to social media posts about portable gaming devices.

In other parts of the interview with IGN, Spencer talked about the recent shutdown of Tango Gameworks and the choice to release Doom: The Dark Ages across multiple platforms, including PlayStation 5, Xbox, and PC.

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