The Caterer interview: Adam Fargin, executive chef of the All England Lawn Tennis Club


The head chef of the All England Lawn Tennis Club has the responsibility of providing food for the top-notch sportspeople and the strawberry enthusiasts attending Wimbledon.

How many years have you been managing the food and drinks at Wimbledon?

This is my fourth time participating in the championships, although it feels like my fifth year due to the disruptions caused by Covid. I became a part of Levy UK + Ireland in 2018, which falls under the Compass Group that manages all the catering services at Wimbledon. However, prior to that, my experience was primarily in the restaurant and hotel industry. I had a longing for a change and when the opportunity to work at Wimbledon arose, it was an offer that I simply couldn't refuse. I was given a year to acclimate to my new position and later assumed the role of executive chef in 2020.

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