Vladimir Putin receives warm welcome in North Korea | First Thing

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin has made his way to North Korea to attend a meeting with Kim Jong-un. The US has advised against any pact that might worsen the military stress on Ukraine or increase the tension on the Korean peninsula.

The Russian leader visited the secluded nation for the first time in almost two decades. He travelled to Pyongyang and received a warm reception with large banners, cheering people and flags of Russia.

Putin and Kim were scheduled to sign deals that would enhance the already robust relationship between Russia and North Korea, which has grown even stronger since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Putin expressed his gratitude towards Kim for steadfastly supporting Russian policies, particularly in regards to Ukraine, as reported by the Russian state news agency RIA.

Have you ever wondered about the contribution of North Korea in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia? According to reports, the United States and South Korea possess evidence stating that Pyongyang provided Russia with numerous ballistic missiles and over 11,000 containers of munitions. In exchange, North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, asked for Russian food supplies and energy aid, along with assistance in developing their space program.

What was Nato's statement regarding the gathering? According to the alliance's commander-in-chief, Jens Stoltenberg, Putin's visit demonstrated a reliance on authoritarian heads of state from nations such as North Korea, Iran, and China.

New Mexico Villagers Flee Deadly Wildfires As Sky Turns Ablaze

In New Mexico, there are two rapid fires that are causing panicked evacuations and have destroyed numerous structures. Despite the heroic efforts of firefighters, these blazes are proving to be difficult to contain.

The village of Ruidoso was filled with red-colored smoke on Monday, which spiraled into the air. Authorities cautioned those in the area to leave as soon as possible. By the next day, around 500 buildings had been destroyed. According to the governor's office on Tuesday night, one person had passed away due to the fires; however, they didn't disclose any further information.

According to the New York Times, George Ducker from the forestry division of New Mexico stated that the ongoing hot and dry weather is a direct consequence of climate change.

What makes New Mexico prone to wildfires? The state is currently experiencing a severe drought, causing over 12% of its land to be labeled as in "extreme drought" according to the US Drought Monitor. This situation is mainly concentrated in the southern areas of the state.

Let me tell you about the effects of the wildfires on other states. Large areas of California are currently experiencing skies filled with smoke due to blazes spreading through dry hillsides across the region. This year alone, over 66,000 acres have already been burned in the state of California.

Israeli Attacks On Gaza Refugee Camps Kill 17, Per Medics

According to statements from locals and medical professionals, a number of airstrikes conducted by Israel on Tuesday have resulted in the deaths of no less than 17 Palestinian individuals residing in two different refugee camps within the Gaza Strip.

Nuseirat and Bureij are inhabited by households and offspring of individuals who escaped to Gaza during the 1948 conflict relating to the establishment of Israel.

The attacks happened when tanks moved deeper into the south of Rafah, and locals reported that there was heavy bombing from tanks and planes throughout the city. Before May, more than 1 million people lived there, but now most have left and headed towards the north because of the Israeli military's invasion.

What has been the devastating impact of the war on people's lives? When Hamas launched an attack on Israel, claiming the lives of approximately 1,200 individuals while holding over 200 hostages, Israel's subsequent invasion of Gaza resulted in the death of at least 37,000 people and left another 85,000 injured. The destruction of a significant amount of essential infrastructure has made it incredibly difficult for the people of Gaza to access basic needs, putting the region on the cusp of a severe food shortage.

After Benjamin Netanyahu broke apart his war cabinet on Monday, what's on the horizon? It's predicted that the Israeli Prime Minister will confer with a select few ministers about the Gaza conflict. Detractors claim that he's delaying the war to sidestep an investigation into his administration's inadequacies on October 7th.

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It is predicted that Mark Rutte, who is stepping down as Prime Minister of the Netherlands, will be appointed as the upcoming leader of NATO via an agreement made with Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán.

In 2022, a report by Amnesty International accused authorities in Morocco of using excessive force against individuals seeking asylum. The report highlighted widespread claims of unlawful tactics resulting in the loss of at least 27 lives.

The safety inspections for avocados and mangoes coming from Mexico have been halted by US authorities due to an unfortunate incident where two employees from the agriculture department were attacked by unknown individuals in Michoacán. Luckily, they were eventually released without harm.

"Alarming: Air Pollution Claims 2,000 Children Daily - Report"

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Heat Wave Kills 577 In Mecca Pilgrimages

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