Putin in Vietnam: An old friendship that refuses to die

Vladimir Putin

During their meeting in Hanoi, the heads of Vietnam and Russia expressed their desire to strengthen their relationship.

President of Vietnam, To Lam, showed great admiration and appreciation towards Russian President, Vladimir Putin, by extending his warm congratulations on his successful re-election.

According to the article, Mr. Putin expressed that one of Russia's top goals is to enhance its strategic partnership with the nation located in the southeast region of Asia.

Following his grand trip to North Korea, the recent visit to Vietnam by the Russian leader is seen as a sign of the continued diplomatic assistance provided by Russia in that region.

President Lam expressed his congratulations to our companion who received a great amount of support in the latest presidential election. This shows the trust that people in Russia have for him. These words were spoken after Mr. Putin received a warm welcome with a red carpet.

The US has expressed disapproval of President Putin's visit as it provides him with an opportunity to promote his aggressive actions towards Ukraine.

Even as Vietnam strives to strengthen its connections with Europe and the US, it continues to place high importance on its long-standing bond with Russia which has a deep historical significance.

In the political district of Ba Dinh in Hanoi, there is a tiny park where you'll see a large statue of Lenin standing tall at five meters high. Lenin, the famous Russian revolutionary, is depicted in a courageous stance. Every year on his birthday, Vietnamese officials who hold high positions visit the statue to give him flowers and pay their respects. The statue was gifted to Vietnam by Russia during the time when it was still known as the Soviet Union.

Vietnam has a strong connection with Russia that has lasted for many years. This bond was established when the Soviet Union offered essential military, economic, and diplomatic assistance to the emerging communist government in North Vietnam during the 1950s.

In free English, the blog section can be rephrased as follows: The bond between Vietnam and Russia is characterized by allegiance and appreciation. Vietnam invaded Cambodia in 1978 to eradicate the genocidal Khmer Rouge government, which caused it to be ostracized and penalized by the Western countries and China. Consequently, it had to rely significantly on Soviet support. Numerous elderly Vietnamese citizens, such as the influential leader of the communist party, Nguyen Phu Trong, have been educated in Russia and became proficient in the language.

Nowadays, the economy of Vietnam has experienced a significant change by engaging with the global market. In comparison, Russia has lagged behind other trading partners such as China, Asia, the US, and Europe. However, despite this contrast, Vietnam heavily relies on military equipment from Russia and has formed valuable partnerships with Russian oil companies for exploration purposes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam was faced with a tricky situation when Russia invaded Ukraine, but it was able to deal with it successfully. Instead of taking sides, Vietnam decided not to vote on the resolutions that condemned Russia at the United Nations. However, Vietnam continued to maintain positive relations with Ukraine by even sending them some much-needed aid. Vietnam and Ukraine also have a shared history from the Soviet era, as many Vietnamese have studied and worked in Ukraine over the years.

This aligns with Vietnam's consistent foreign policy principles of maintaining friendly relationships with all nations while refraining from forming any official alliances. The current communist party leadership refers to this approach as "bamboo diplomacy" which involves adapting to the impacts of major power competition without being compelled to choose a side.

This is why Vietnam has quickly boosted its connections with the US, despite the fact that its previous leaders engaged in a lengthy and devastating conflict with the country. Vietnam's main goal is to find profitable markets for its exports and to create a balance between its strong ties with China, its neighboring powerhouse.

The United States expressed opposition to President Putin's scheduled trip to Vietnam, claiming that it contradicts global endeavors to isolate him. Nonetheless, this reaction was somewhat expected, considering the unique historical relationship between Russia and Vietnam. Moreover, the Vietnamese public opinion towards the Ukrainian conflict is more variable compared to Europeans.

Some people have a positive view of Putin, as he is seen as a tough and powerful leader who stands up against the Western countries. However, there are others who are doubtful of the US and European statements about following international laws, which is being fueled by social media comments.

The same situation exists in many Asian nations where the conflict in Ukraine is viewed as occurring in a distant location. An instance of this can be seen in Thailand, which has a noteworthy military alliance with the United States and was on the opposite side of Russia during the Cold War. The people's viewpoint in Thailand is equally divided as it is in Vietnam. The Thai population also regards the historical connections between its monarchy and the pre-revolution Russian Tsars, and the government of Thailand maintains a close relationship with Russia. The Thai economy highly values the millions of Russian visitors that contribute to its tourism industry.

It's uncertain for how much longer Vietnam will remain friendly with Vladimir Putin. The country is already looking for other places to buy military supplies, but it will take them a long time to cut ties with Russia completely.

The communist party has recently witnessed multiple resignations from senior officials, hinting at significant conflicts within the party regarding the upcoming leadership and the future direction of the nation. However, the party has not yet discussed giving up its goal of maintaining positive relations with all nations while avoiding enmity with anyone.

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