USA v Ireland: T20 Cricket World Cup – live

United States vs Ireland

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James Newman has a hunch that Chuck participates in rugby. He believes Chuck possesses the mentality of a rugby player.

I'm a bit concerned about the potential harm he may cause at the bar that offers unlimited drinks before the umpires decide to stop the game.

There will be another examination of the pitch at 1:15 pm in the local time zone, which corresponds to 6:15 pm for those in the BST time zone.

The referees have decided to review the decision after approximately 35 minutes. I think they realize that it's pointless, but the game is critical, and they can't just neglect it and go to the bar.

The officials are walking on the grassy area surrounding the playing field to check its dampness and possibility of continuing the game. Their gestures are not indicating good news for both Pakistan and Ireland teams.

"Refresh yourself?" Damian Clarke sniffed. "It would cause so many heart attacks that the waitlist for membership would increase by three years."

Oh come on, three years is a bit of an exaggeration.

The man planned to rejuvenate the Long Room situated at Lord's Cricket Ground.

This is an excellent effort. Let others know about it!

Richard Peel mentioned that the pitch wasn't exactly perfect, but he'd rather describe it as 'entertaining'. If the players hadn't left Nassau County, we would have been delighting in endless sunny days, while gazing up at the fluffy white clouds and watching cricket. I wonder, how much time would be necessary to rebuild that particular stand?

Is it possible for you to complete it before 2:16pm in your local time or 7:16pm in the British Summer Time?

The point at which a five-over game ends is at 2.16pm if it is local time, or 7.16pm if it is BST.

A way to fill up idle time

Today marks the 40th anniversary since England embarked on a five-Test series against the dominant West Indies team. Was it possible for them to secure a remarkable victory? Unfortunately not.

The inspection isn't done just yet! There will be another one at 12:30 pm in the local time zone, which is 5:30 pm in BST.

Krishnamoorthy V. commented that the USA cricket team is like how Cameroon was in Italia 90 and Croatia in 1998. He believes that such a team achieving victory against Pakistan and coming close to beating India is an impressive feat. He hopes that they will continue to progress and succeed against India in the semis.

If they are as strong as Cameroon, they will easily defeat England in the Super 8s, however, they may end up losing on a Super Over.

There's a rumor going around that a cancellation is likely due to the outfield being too wet from the heavy rain over the past few days. Is anyone else reminded of past experiences and feeling excited?

Beau Dure expressed that if it were up to him, he would prefer to play the complete game instead of just a portion of it. He believes that a shortened game may bring about unpredictable outcomes such as Ireland surpassing the USA, which is surprising to him as he typically only associates such upsets with sports like basketball, volleyball, or water polo.

Greetings to cricket, the sport that can leave you with mixed feelings even after you emerge victorious. (Although, let us acknowledge that it would not be a mere stroke of luck if Ireland secures a win as they had previously defeated the eventual champions, England, during the last T20 World Cup, proving their skills beyond chance.)

The absence of any update can be perceived positively or negatively, depending on the loyalty of the individual to a specific group.

Lauderhill has been without rain since morning and the sun is shining. However, there is no cricket to be played, only players standing around. The USA team is probably not bothered by this, but Ireland might not be happy with the delay. The accompanying photo shows some of the players waiting.

One major advantage of making it to the Super 8s is that it secures a spot in the upcoming 2026 T20 World Cup, which will take place in a few years.

Greetings from DC, says Kyle Hill. As a means of avoiding boredom during the middle of the day in the United States, I've been calmly following the Guardian's OBO reporting on this bizarre and obscure foreign game ever since the 2005 Ashes. However, now that I actually care about the outcome, I'm curious: would it be considered cowardly to hope for rain?

Does it show even greater cowardice to respond with "it varies"?

Different types of real-life performances (which may even include a perfect shot into the golf hole!)

I'm planning to take a short pause to perform a thousand squat thrusts while there is no activity happening. I'll return shortly.

As for Group B...

An inspection will be conducted at 11.30am local time to check the conditions of the outfield. However, judging by the extremely wet outfield, it is highly likely that the match will be cancelled due to heavy rains. Nevertheless, since I am far away from the location, it seems rather pointless for me to make such a prediction.

Zach from Texas expresses disappointment as he has taken a day off from his work, dressed up in his US Soccer jersey (the only option he found as he was unsuccessful in finding websites that sell genuine USA cricket jerseys) and now is experiencing rainfall. He is gearing up for an intense and tense 10-over shootout.

The American kit is quite impressive among all the kits in this tournament. Have Fanatics declined to acknowledge it?

If the US makes it to the tournament, it will be a significant moment, however, I don't think it will come as a complete surprise. It all boils down to their victory over Pakistan, which may have been unexpected, but it was not impossible. Based on their performance leading up to the tournament, it's clear that they have become a competent and skilled team.

It's possible for the USA to make it to the semi-finals. Their Super 8 group will have West Indies, South Africa, and maybe Scotland or England. I'm not too sure, but it's possible they could win two games in that group.

At 10:30 am in the local time and 3:30 pm in British summer time, the umpires will examine the situation. If there is no precipitation - with a bit of luck - there is a good chance of playing some form of game. Even if it's only a brief 10-over event.

If the United States triumphs or if the match is postponed due to rain, they will secure a spot in the Super 8s.

If Ireland emerges victorious, things will become intricate. The USA will have a total of four points after playing all their games, whereas Ireland, Canada, and Pakistan will all have two points with only one match left to play: Pakistan vs. Ireland and Canada vs. India. In this event, the qualification of the team that advances with India will be decided either by net run-rate or weather.

Great news! It's not raining in Lauderhill and there seems to be a bright object in the sky. There is a chance that the game might happen later. However, at present, the field isn't in good condition. Therefore, the coin toss is postponed until further notice.

It is time for the weather update, presented by an exceptional bowler who made a significant impact in the sport of cricket.

Greetings and welcome to the innovative live blog by The Guardian covering the weather in Florida. In case the USA versus Ireland game gets postponed due to the extreme weather conditions experienced in the past few days, it is highly possible that they will advance to the Super 8s during their first appearance in the T20 World Cup.

It's an amazing opportunity for the USA team, thanks to their incredible success against Pakistan just over a week ago. This achievement has influenced how Group A is now looking, giving the USA a chance to win big, even if they don't end up stepping onto the field. This event has the potential to become another Miracle on Ice, but this time, on the sea.

In case of players' alliance, Ireland must emerge victorious to avoid putting their own and Pakistan's chances of qualification in jeopardy. However, the outlook appears bleak.

The planned beginning time is at 3.30pm BST, which is equivalent to 10.30am in the local time zone. Today could be a historic day and it may take quite some time for everything to happen.

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