The war between Russia and Ukraine is set to grind on as a peace conference packs little punch


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The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is expected to persist into the near future, as a recent international meeting intended to initiate peace failed to produce any notable diplomatic progress signaling an imminent end to the largest conflict in Europe since the Second World War.

Ukraine - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

During the past weekend, a conference took place in Switzerland to address the ongoing war. However, this event was lacking the attendance of Russia and China, which could have been beneficial for the outcome. Additionally, countries such as India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Mexico chose not to sign the final document released on Sunday. While the meeting did generate some positive attitudes and promises to strive for peace, the lack of concrete action after two years of war leaves much to be desired.

At the moment, Ukraine is struggling to defend itself from a Russian attack in the eastern region of the country. This is because they have not received the expected military aid from the Western countries, causing a shortage of ammunition. Ukraine is determined to resist the assault until they receive the support they need to improve their situation.

On Monday, Dmitry Peskov, who speaks for the Kremlin, claimed that the conference had produced outcomes that were mostly negligible.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is seeking support from other nations for his proposed plan for a peace agreement. He announced that after the talks, there would be conferences with advisors and government officials from various countries to prepare for a future meeting.

Approximately 80 nations gave their consent to the last statement stating measures to enhance nuclear safety, ensure food security, and let go of prisoners and deportees, notably many minors seized by Russia.

The blog failed to address the fundamental and stubborn problem of Russian troops occupying Ukrainian territory. This issue remains unresolved for the time being.

Last Friday, Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia, made a statement declaring that he would issue an instant stop to fighting in Ukraine if the military forces of the capital city, Kyiv, retreated from the four Ukrainian territories that were taken over by Russia in 2022. Furthermore, he also stated that Kyiv would have to abandon their plan to become a member of NATO.

To put an end to the war, he stated a few additional requirements. They included Ukraine accepting that Crimea, a landmass situated in the Black Sea that Russia took over in 2014, is now a part of Russia. This came alongside limitations on the Ukrainian armed forces and the maintenance of Ukraine's nonnuclear standing.

Kyiv dismissed those suggestions as "nonsensical."

In the past, Zelenskyy put forward a plan for peace consisting of ten points. One of the requirements is that all Russian forces withdraw from Ukraine and those responsible for war crimes are held accountable. However, Moscow did not show any interest in accepting these proposals.

The Institute for the Study of War, which is a think tank based in Washington, stated that Putin has no intention of engaging in honest discussions in the near future since he believes he will ultimately emerge victorious in the war.

In February 2022, Russia launched a massive attack on Ukraine, resulting in the deaths and injuries of hundreds of thousands of individuals, as well as the displacement of millions. The invasion has caused major disruptions in global markets, particularly for essential products like grain and fertilizer, consequently leading to an increase in inflation. Moreover, the conflict has created a divide between the West and countries like Russia, China, and others that have taken a different stance, ultimately worsening diplomatic relations.

The present state of the war is very important and serious.

Despite facing one of the most powerful armies in the world, the Ukrainian military has demonstrated remarkable resilience. However, they cannot continue to fight without support from Western allies. Additionally, the Ukrainian army is struggling with a shortage of troops and inadequate fortifications, making it easier for Russia to make advances on the battlefield in the coming summer months.

After a period of over two years of combat, Russia has not succeeded in delivering a decisive victory and is now seeking outside assistance to maintain its warfare.

According to military experts from the Western world, the Russian army is suffering from inadequate performance. This is due to the fact that they are losing a lot of junior officers during the conflict. Consequently, the Russian military is having a difficult time in making significant progress in their operations. Ukraine is managing to prevent them from achieving their goals and are only making small advances at present.

Litvinova made a contribution while in Tallin, Estonia.

To keep up with the latest developments regarding the conflict in Ukraine, be sure to stay tuned to the news coverage provided by AP. Visit for comprehensive information on the ongoing war.

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