Tyreek Hill: Miami Dolphins star calls for arresting police officer to be sacked

Tyreek Hill

Tyreek Hill is demanding the dismissal of the police officer who was involved in his recent traffic stop just before the Miami Dolphins’ first game of the NFL season on September 8.

Tyreek Hill - Figure 1
Photo Sky Sports

Miami-Dade police stopped wide receiver Hill for a small traffic infraction. Bodycam video released on Tuesday captured the incident, showing officers interacting with Hill, who was subsequently removed from his vehicle.

The officers shouted insults at Hill, but he didn’t fight back or hit them. In the video, you can hear Hill telling one of the officers, "Don't tell me what to do."

Hill, via his attorney, has issued a statement urging for the dismissal of the officer currently on administrative leave after the incident.

In a letter obtained by Sky Sports News, it was stated, "On at least two instances, the officer involved in the situation made physical contact with Mr. Hill's neck during the traffic stop."

We believe that the officer's use of force was unwarranted, escalated the situation, and displayed a lack of caution. We are calling for the officer's immediate dismissal.

The incidents that took place on Sunday, September 8, serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing injustices faced by Black individuals and minority communities in their encounters with law enforcement.

We want to be clear that we’re not labeling the officer as racist. However, we do believe that the customs and practices within law enforcement have historically been unfair and oppressive towards Black and minority communities. This is an undeniable reality, and we cannot turn a blind eye to it or stay quiet just because discussing it is uncomfortable.

Sky Sports News has reached out to the Miami-Dade police for a comment.

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"Hill Traffic Incident: A Distressing Overview"

Footage revealed that two motorcycle cops pursued Hill after he seemingly zoomed past them in his McLaren sports car on the road leading into Hard Rock Stadium, where the traffic was light. They later reported that they recorded his speed at 60 mph.

The officers activated their lights and signaled for Hill to stop. One of them approached the driver’s side and asked him to roll down the window. Hill complied and presented his driver’s license to him.

"Please don't bang on my window like that," Hill insisted to the officer multiple times.

"I need to tap on your window to inform you that I'm here," the officer said to Hill, continuously questioning why the player wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

"Just hand over my ticket, man, so I can leave. I'm going to be late. Take care of what you need to do," Hill said to the officer as he rolled his dark window back up.

"Keep your window open," the officer instructed him, tapping on the glass once more. Hill remains visible inside.

Hill cracked the window open a bit and responded, "Don't tell me how to handle things." Then he rolled the window back up.

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Hill mentioned to CNN that he decided to close his window again because he was worried about attracting unwanted attention.

"If I roll down my window, anyone passing by or driving will recognize me," Hill mentioned.

"They were about to start snapping photos, and I really didn't want to make a fuss. I just wanted to grab my ticket and be on my way."

The officer repeated his request for Hill to roll down his window, warning, "If you don't, I'll have to pull you out of the vehicle. In fact, step out of the car now."

The officer ordered Hill to unlock the door. Another officer came forward and warned, "Exit the vehicle, or I will shatter that... window," using a crude term.

The door swung open, and the second officer reached inside to take hold of Hill by his arm and the back of his head while the player stated, "I'm getting out."

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Hill later speculated that he wasn't keeping up with the pace the officers preferred.

"I wasn't able to move quickly due to my injuries," said Hill, who is beginning his ninth season in the NFL. "I have things I deal with. It's a tough, physical game."

The second officer pushed Hill down onto the ground, making him face the floor. Meanwhile, three officers grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back. As this was happening, Hill shouted into his phone, "I’m being arrested, Drew," referring to Drew Brooks, the director of security for the Dolphins.

The officers restrained Hill with handcuffs, and one of them placed a knee in the center of his back. "If we give you instructions, follow them."

"Go ahead and take me to jail, man, I'm fine with whatever you need to do," Hill responded.

"We are," stated one of the officers.

"You're out of your mind," Hill remarked to the officer.

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The officers helped Hill to his feet and guided him over to the sidewalk. One of them instructed him to take a seat on the curb. Hill informed the officer that he had just undergone knee surgery.

An officer quickly moved behind him and wrapped his arms around Hill's upper chest or neck. He then helped Hill sit up.

"Take it easy, guys," Hill said to the officers.

At that moment, Jonnu Smith, a fellow player, pulled his SUV up in front of Hill’s car, stepped out, and inquired about the situation. The police instructed Smith to return to his vehicle and drive away. They then informed him that he would be receiving a ticket for obstructing the roadway.

Defensive tackle Calais Campbell was also involved in the incident. He was asked to leave, and when he didn't comply, he was briefly placed in handcuffs. Eventually, both Hill and Campbell were freed and permitted to enter the stadium.

Hill was issued tickets for driving without care and not having his seatbelt fastened, but he was not taken into custody, as shown in the video. One police officer has been put on leave while an internal affairs inquiry is underway.

"Dolphins: Misguided Power Among Officers"

In a statement issued on Monday evening, the Dolphins expressed that they have a positive relationship with the police force but were "disheartened" by the incident.

"In the videos released tonight, it’s evident that some officers confuse their duty to serve with a sense of misplaced authority," the team remarked.

"Although we applaud MDPD for promptly sharing this footage, we also encourage them to respond just as quickly and decisively against the officers involved in this unacceptable behavior."

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Steadman Stahl, who leads the South Florida Police Benevolent Association, backed the officer's decisions, explaining in a statement that Hill was not “cooperative right away” with the officers present. He noted that the officers acted according to their procedures by handcuffing Hill, who was taken to the ground after he declined to sit down.

Julius B. Collins, Hill's lawyer who was featured alongside him on CNN, mentioned that there was one officer who was the "most confrontational," while another officer who first approached Hill's vehicle was quite calm. Collins also pointed out that Hill himself was not aggressive in the situation.

You also noticed that he raised his hands to indicate that he wasn't holding a gun. He was not a danger and was following the officers' instructions.

Regarding this statement from the police union, I believe the video challenges everything they are claiming.

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