Can Donald Trump still run for president after Colorado ruling?


As the 2024 presidential race approaches, Mr. Trump is confronting various legal hurdles.

According to a recent court ruling, Donald Trump's bid for presidency in Colorado has been disbarred due to his involvement in the January 6 violence incident. But what implications will this verdict have on the upcoming national election?

Trump - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

The decision declared that Mr. Trump could not compete as a contender in his party's primary race in the state due to a provision in the US Constitution that bars individuals who participate in insurrection.

Donald Trump stated that he plans to make an appeal to the US Supreme Court in order to reverse the decision, which will subsequently lead to a legal dispute that could drastically alter the 2024 election.

The ex-leader is the top contender to be selected as the nominee for the upcoming presidential election under the Republican party. It is anticipated that he will go against incumbent President Joe Biden from the Democratic party.

What Led To The Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling?

The statement revealed that there was "persuasive and conclusive proof" that President Trump participated in a rebellion.

The majority of the court ruled that Trump cannot be President according to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

The third section prohibits those who participate in an uprising or revolt against the Constitution from holding a position in the federal government.

This regulation came about after the American Civil War and was an effort to prevent individuals who advocated for southern states' secession from being reinstated to public positions.

It's the initial instance where Section 3 has been utilized to reject someone's candidacy for president.

The court's decision was not unanimous, with 4 judges agreeing and 3 judges disagreeing. This indicates that three judges hold the opinion that there is no lawful justification to disbar Mr. Trump from entering the election.

The extensive 213-page decision confirmed that the actions taken by Mr Trump prior to January 6th can be considered an insurrection.

In Colorado, his legal team put forth the argument that he cannot be disqualified as he was not responsible for the riot.

Will Trump Run In 2024?

Definitely. This decision solely impacts Colorado which means that Mr. Trump is still capable of participating in different Republican primaries, where each party tirelessly searches for a presidential nominee on a state-by-state basis.

He is currently in a more advantageous position compared to the other Republican candidates, thus he may potentially secure his party's nomination without participating in Colorado.

Joe Biden secured a significant victory in Colorado against his rival, Donald Trump, during the 2020 elections. The chances of Mr. Trump carrying the state to win the election appear slim.

However, the general election may have broader consequences.

Numerous lawsuits have been filed by various US states with the aim of preventing Mr Trump from participating in elections, and this ruling may increase the chances of some of these lawsuits being successful.

If he were prevented from running in a state where he and Mr. Biden are in a tie, it could have a significant impact on a highly contested presidential election.

The Trump team has expressed their intention to bring the case to the highest court of the United States, which is the US Supreme Court.

They will make a decision regarding taking up the case next year, but the exact date is uncertain.

Provided that Mr. Trump's team lodges their appeal before 4th January, his name will still be included in the ballot for Colorado, until such time as the Supreme Court delivers its decision.

The judges need to examine the legal points, which could consume time, but they will feel stressed to make a judgment prior to the primary on March 5th.

The Supreme Court's decision is being closely examined, and if they decide a certain way, it could affect other legal cases outside of their jurisdiction. This could have a wide-reaching impact across the country.

The composition of the court has become more conservative over the past few years. This is partly attributable to the appointment of three judges by President Trump.

What Is The Legal Experts' Stance?

When analyzing the situation, it is important to take into account the legal aspects. The main topics to focus on are legal implications and potential consequences.

A question that arises is whether the actions of Mr. Trump that occurred prior to the attack on the US Capitol can be considered as an insurrection.

Another question arises as to whether the individuals targeted by Section 3 who are prohibited from holding office should include the head of state, i.e. the president.

A Colorado court previously found that Mr. Trump participated in an insurrection; however, the law did not pertain to the presidency.

The newest decision was not in agreement, and prominent legal experts have differing opinions on whether this legislation pertains to Mr. Trump.

What's The Political Fallout?

According to his campaign, the decision serves as yet another instance of the legal system being utilized to unfairly target their nominee.

According to Steven Cheung, who is the representative, people in Colorado are not being given the opportunity to choose the individual they wish to serve as their representative.

Even some individuals who oppose Mr. Trump politically have categorized the judgment as being non-democratic.

Republican candidate Chris Christie expressed his strong opposition towards the idea of the current candidate becoming the President of the United States and believes that the voters of the country should intervene to halt this from happening.

Since departing from office in 2021, Mr. Trump has had to confront a multitude of legal issues, among them being accused of numerous criminal charges.

They have taken no actions to reduce his appeal, and rather appear to have invigorated his followers and strengthened his hold on the Republican competition.

The US Election: Digging Deeper

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